Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Samsung mocks iPad and Kindle Fire HDX in his new ad – Gadget News

Once again Samsung has once again created a new television ad to promote one of your devices, this time the Samsung Galaxy Tab Pro show their strengths and attacking a directly to some of its closest competitors such as Apple, Amazon and Microsoft and in particular to those devices that are present in the market such as the iPad, the Kindle Fire HDX or Surface.

In the ad you can see first two youths in a video see their boss asks them a revised report. The user of a Samsung Tab Pro says he can do that without problem while the Apple device user begins to get nervous. All this is due to the new role of Sasmung tablet that allows two activities at the same time as other tablets on the market do not allow it or not allow it so quickly and easily.

The continues ad highlighting the great advantages and interesting features that the new tablet Smasung and of course highlighting the other tablets on the market, but we already have to see for yourself giving play to the video heads this article.

You seem politically correct these Samsung ads based directly attack their closest competitors .

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