Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Technological Releases: Newest Samsung and Kindle – The Journal 24

[September 30, 2014 7:51]

The South Korean company developed a smart clock that is separate from the phone. Amazón launched a device that adapts to the ambient light level

SmartWatch -. Samsung developed a smart clock that is independent phone

The market for smart watches continues to grow, and Samsung is undoubtedly the company that has managed to take the lead of this new technology.

A few weeks ago, the company first showed the public the Gear S , your new smartwatch. It will be the first smart watch market that will have 3G own connectivity, which means it can be used independently of the smartphone.

The need for a phone is one of the limitations of smart watches and that raises doubts among users, who wonder if it is convenient and practical to carry an additional device. The Samsung S Gear will be released in America later this year. Still not the precise date of his arrival in Latin America reported

Kindle -. Amazon launched a device that adapts to the level of ambient lighting

Among the new models presented by Amazon Kindle, one of the most remarkable is the Kindle Voyage . It is the reader’s progress to date, with an ultra-thin design and high-contrast display with resolution of 300 pixels per inch digital books. As in the latest models of the brand, the screen has its own light reading to help when there is no external source of light.

But the news is that, in this case, the level lighting adapts to the environment automatically (even taking into account that the human eye automatically adjusts to the darkness, so the light level of the device decreases progressively during the first half hour of reading). It also has a new system to switch pages, called PagePress; uses a special sensor that allows the user to move to the next page by pressing the display very gently, to which responds with a slight vibration.

Voyage Kindle with free 3G is sold and you can also connect to the Internet by wifi.


Kindle and Facebook Messenger add support for the iPhone 6 | Mobility – abcdesevilla.es

Two applications have received Update to take advantage of new possibilities of the iPhone 6 : The digital book reader Kindle Amazon and Facebook chat application, Facebook Messenger .

Kindle and Facebook Messenger is updated with support for iPhone 6 The reader Kindle for iPhone has been updated to a new version and now takes full advantage of the new screen resolutions iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus . This means that, as with the tool iBooks Apple from now on the books that you read the user through Kindle and showed no blur or resizing content .

If the user still prefer to read their books for more Enlarged can still do so using the appropriate tool for this located in the setup menu iPhone 6 . Kindle also updated a few days ago with the possibility of adding shortcuts to favorite user content from the notification center iOS. 8

The application to talk to our contacts Facebook, Facebook Messenger , has also been updated for take advantage of the improved screen resolution of the new iPhone and now shows the content natively without rescaled.

Can you download Kindle for iPhone and iPad from the AppStore . The application is free and requires iOS 7.0 or higher to run. The new version of Facebook Messenger is also available in the AppStore . The tool is free and requires iOS 7.0 or higher system.


Friday, September 26, 2014

Amazon Announces Kindle Voyage – nGeeks.com

 kindle-voyage 1


After months of rumors comes the official confirmation: the new Amazon ereader is called Kindle Voyage . It has a completely new design and now follows the guidelines set by the range of tablets Kindle Fire. Looking at it from behind is easily confused with HDX Fire tablet.

It is much thinner, with a thickness of only 7.8 millimeters and weighing 180 grams . But the point is in the front, with the new electronic ink display. This is what is most important in an ebook reader. Amazon has improved the contrast and resolution of the Kindle Voyage, surpassing even the Kindle Paperwhite quality

The first match reviews. Voyage to finally read an ebook is almost like reading paper . And precisely this is the ideal to which all manufacturers aspire ereaders.

It also incorporates a new sensor that adjusts the display lighting according to the ambient light of where we meet. That perfectly and automatically adjusted to give the best playback quality, whether we are reading in bright sunlight or while moving underground. You can also manually adjust the lighting to suit your preferences. The lighting capacity is now 39% higher without the battery, which will be about six weeks will suffer.


 Kindle-Voyage- 2

Amazon has listened to miss the physical buttons in ereaders touchscreen. If we wish, we can turn the page by a slight pressure on the side. This new system is named for PagePress . It’s not a button, but it works with a sensor located on the sides. Another advantage of this gadget, and we are many who prefer to make this gesture instead of having to touch the screen as well avoid leaving marks on it. It changes the page using either of the two methods, so all users are satisfied

Now comes the downside. Prices. Amazon has accustomed us to breakers prices, but Kindle Voyage rome this tradition. The price in USA is $ 199 , but do not know the final price will in Spain. And the new Voyage comes to not replace the Kindle, but to position itself as a third option, becoming the erader “high end” of Amazon.

Is it worth picking a Voyage? The new screen does justify the investment. The system eletronic ink e-Ink Charter has a resolution of 300 pixels per inch compared to 212 Paperwhite. The display is protected by a sheet of Gorilla Glass with a special anti-glare treatment. The final effect is that we seem to be reading about a piece of paper instead of an electronic device.

The public has responded enthusiastically and have already exhausted all available units in reserve.


Thursday, September 25, 2014

Kindle for iPhone, iPad and iPad Mini – App of the Day iPadizate – iPadizate

Kindle is our app of the day … To read

That is exciting and enjoyable reading, guys right? And even more when we practice from an iOS device, ideally on an iPad, whose large screen allows you to immerse yourself in reading and deepen knowledge, knowledge, culture and magic . the mystery of the adventures that many e-Books give us

This is where Kindle comes in, because the iPad already has a scanning application: iBooks, but this does not mean we can not use third-party applications to enjoy our reading. Furthermore, Kindle allow us to synchronize all purchases we make in Amazon on all our devices. Something, no doubt, really useful.

is a Kindle app to read books on iPhone, iPad and iPad Mini

As happens in the books that tell us the best stories start from the beginning, or misrepresent a writer, start from the beginning. Kindle features an interactive menu from which we can search our books , synchronize our shop or browse through our collections of books stored in iCloud.


If we look at the collections section and click on the + button in the top right corner we can add our books and organize them by category . A very interesting option if we have an extensive library of books on our iPad or iPhone.


In the section of books, at the bottom, we the ability to change the view of the content. We may choose from a grid view or list , both options have thumbnails of our books. In addition, we can also organize them by title, author or recent


In the configuration settings of Kindle can link our accounts of the major networks Social: Facebook and Twitter . We may also choose to display or not the page turning animations


Once ready open book, Kindle we apply allow you to change the size and style of the letter , enter the night mode and adjust the text and display lighting our iPhone or iPad.


In the section of text search, we have the opportunity to find all the sentences in which certain word appears, and also find its meaning in the Google and Wikipedia . Of course, and finally, Kindle allows us to place markers on the pages and write notes in a small notebook. It is an application of comprehensive reading

Kindle video

You can see a review on Kindle in the video below.

Download Kindle for iPhone, iPad and iPad Mini

Download the free application from here:

What do you think the Kindle app? Do you usually use iBooks or Kindle for your reading


Unlimited Amazon Kindle launches in the UK, offering download … – wwwhat’s new?

In mid-June I Amazon announced that we had just presented their Netflix for books, a monthly subscription service that, by paying a fee of $ 10 a month, gave access to an unlimited number of books for download. At this time, Kindle Unlimited, name given to the service was only available for use in the United States, but now, Amazon has just announced the arrival of Amazon to the UK Unlimited, initiating the expansion in Europe.

With the advent of the UK Kindle Unlimited, service users will have access to 650,000 ebooks and thousands of audiobooks each month. also can sample free operation during the first month, in order to check if they are convinced. Subsequently, the service will cost £ 7.99 per month, a more than affordable amount when you consider that a single e-book and usually cost around that figure , and the number may be much higher physical format. The best thing everyone can enjoy Unlimited Kindle, not just those who own a Kindle, since the service will work with the free Kindle app, available for download on iOS, Android, Windows Phone, Blackberry, Mac and PC.

The company has announced plans to continue expanding the service to new countries, so we will be alert to any developments.


Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Amazon reveals patterns of your tablet and Kindle Fire – The Nación.com.py

. Amazon


“This has included an incredible amount of technology and innovation in the new HDX Fire,” said founder and CEO of Amazon, Jeff Bezos, in a statement.

Bezos boasted that combines HDX Fire “best-in-class hardware with exclusive features and services.”

The tablet can be ordered in Amazon.com priced at $ 379, with deliveries scheduled from October.

Amazon also introduced new models of tablets with screens Fire HD 6 or 7 inches, priced at $ 139 and 99 , respectively.

“Fire HD is the most powerful tablet with a price below $ 100,” Bezos said, noting that is synchronized with the enormous wealth of digital content and services from Amazon.

The Seattle-based company also unveiled a tablet version of Fire HD specially designed for children with benefits and one year of unlimited access to thousands of books, movies and games as well as free replacement if Break up to two years after purchase.

He also presented a new Kindle, the Voyage, billed as the thinnest and advanced version to date of the popular e-reader priced at $ 199, and an improved Kindle to $ 79 basic model.

The new offerings from Amazon were announced the same day that began circulating reports that Apple plans to launch in October new models of iPads.

Read more at: http://www.amazon.com


Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Kindle Voyage: everything you need to know the new e-reader from Amazon – melty.es

A few days ago jumped alarms around the world to make new Kindle Voyage an appearance in the German and Japanese versions of the Amazon website. For a few minutes we could see the new model most popular e-reader market , but, as several media echoed the American company erased all traces of your web page. What I could see is the final price and several of the features that will be a plus best selling e-reader market once. And it moves forward with its Amazon Kindle at a breakneck pace, even to accept video games. Next in melty.es tell you everything you need to know about it and we will also attach a video demo recorded on Amazon

More news on GTA.: San Andreas, Android and Amazon Kindle (Video)

e-reader will be the most expensive in the history of Amazon . The launch is scheduled for November 4 and its price will be around 225 euros in its cheapest version. It is also expected to go a 3G version, which would raise the price significantly, reaching 290 euros . Why have such a high price?

Resolution . The display quality of the previous model, the Kindle Paperwhite seemed unbeatable. However, Amazon is proposed to increase the resolution and reach version 300 ppi (pixels per inch) in a 6-inch screen . In comparison with Paperwhite or Nook Glowlight, we see that these were around 212 ppi.

amazon kindle, kindle voyage, voyage kindle price, kindle voyage characteristics, date kindle voyage launch, voyage kindle screen, kindle capacity voyage, voyage germany kindle, amazon kindle voyage The new Kindle Voyage

Brightness . Moreover, not only the screen resolution will be improved, but we will see significant improvements in brightness. The screen Kindle Voyage will be a 39% brighter than the previous model, which will increase significantly this contrast for readability. It will also have a sensor capable of measuring the amount of light in the room to adjust the brightness of this device. But not only increase or decrease the brightness, but will do a similar to that of the human pupil speed to minimize the feeling of discomfort.

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No more plastic . This is the first Amazon Kindle to incorporate all-glass screen instead of plastic used so far. This also has a practical reason, which is that the screen will be placed flush with the bezel of the device, which will mean a significant aesthetic improvement. However, this fact will make you more vulnerable to bumps and scratches. One of the disadvantages of glass for displays is the tendency to reflect light in open spaces, but it is believed that Amazon has remedied this difficulty with microgravure on the glass that minimizes reflected light.

 amazon kindle, kindle voyage, voyage kindle price, kindle features voyage, voyage release date kindle, kindle screen voyage, voyage capacity kindle, kindle voyage germany, amazon kindle voyage The Kindle Voyage

Thin and light . His 7.6 mm thick assume that is 1.5 mm thinner than the Kindle Paperwhite and 3 mm less than the Nook GlowLight. As mentioned, Amazon has achieved these parameters, inter alia, through the glass of the screen.

design without buttons and more storage .. The touch capability of this device is one of the main weapons Kindle Voyage. Hide a series of pressure sensitive on the sides, which allow the user to page through barely moving hand sensors. As for storage, this e-reader doubles the capacity of its predecessor, reaching 4 gigabytes of internal memory. What do you think of this new Kindle?


Monday, September 22, 2014

Inteco detected a major security flaw that affects Kindle devices – ileon.com – Tour de León

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: http://www.flickr.com/photos/fabrisalvetti/

The German researcher Benjamin Mussler has discovered a security flaw that affects all Kindle devices and could cause an attacker would agree and take control of the affected user account.

Any Kindle user may have been affected if you manage your devices through the Amazon platform.

The vulnerability has been reported to Amazon and is expected this is fixed in a short period of time. However, in order to prevent this fault is recommended to avoid download eBooks from untrusted sources.

Security vulnerability in the browser default Android

This week has released a security issue that affects the default Android browser, present in about 75% of the devices. Please update your browser if no update is available, or otherwise use alternative browsers like Firefox or Chrome.

Due to this problem, if a user visited a malicious web page, an attacker would control who could access the personal data that the user had open in other browser windows and can even steal your identity.

Detected false employment offers that circulate by mail

Of the new jobs are off the hook for committing a crime. This is the phishing or fraudulent mail, using as a pretext false offers of employment to obtain private information from users who are victims of deception.

Avoid being a victim of fraud of this type following recommendations as: do not open emails from unknown users, never answering these emails, take precautions by following links in emails even if they are unknown and downloading attachments
