Thursday, August 27, 2015

Kindle Voyage: the best reading device – Newspaper AM

Amazon presents electronic devices that allow us a pleasant reading experience.

Kindle Voyage is perfection, because the design is integral and easy to manipulate. Made of impact resistant material and so light it can sustain for long periods of time.

Your back is composed of magnesium, while the touch screen glass is chemically reinforced.

Thanks to the electronic ink technology (eInk) pages are formed of electrically charged spherical particles by a stream and according to this changes its hue. What helps to not tire your eyes.

According to the portal El País, the use of Voyage Kindle is similar to that of other Amazon readers, but also provides functions for browsing books without losing bookmark, add notes and highlight passages to share with the computer or social networks. It also includes a dictionary with access to Wikipedia and Bing Translator as a translator for any language.


Monday, August 24, 2015

You can still participate in the literary contest Amazon Kindle – WebAdictos

The City and Jalisco are the areas of Mexico that have risen more titles to the platform Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP). The closure is August 31

 I still can participate in the essay competition Amazon Kindle

A week after the end of the Second Literary Contest organized for Indie Authors Amazon Kindle , Mexico is again the second country worldwide in books and participants moved to the third position to Venezuela, who had remained there most of the competition; Spaniards are consolidated as the country has more books in the dispute.

The Federal District and Jalisco are the areas of Mexico that have risen more titles to the platform Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP), however, for the first time in nearly two months since opening the conference, the State of Mexico slipped to the Top 3 of largest number of participating works. As the respective ranking of cities worldwide, Madrid continues with the advantage; followed by Caracas, who narrowly beats Mexico City; Valencia and Barcelona do not remove your finger from the line to finish in the Top 5. On gender, ‘Fiction’ is the most popular category among the participating writers, who also have preferences for ‘Science Fiction & Fantasy’; ‘Juvenile literature’; ‘Mystery, thriller and suspense’ or ‘Romance’

To compete in this Second Literary Contest Indie Authors, simply upload self-authored a book on the KDP platform (https:. // Kdp. and compete to see the work published in print edition by Editorial The Sphere Books and Audible audio, it will also be translated and published in digital, print and audio format in English by AmazonCrossing, the seal of Amazon Publishing that translates and publishes international literary

Learn more at


Literary contest Amazon Kindle! – PCWorld Mexico

Written by Press release 24 August 2015 and has comments  cover

A week after the end of the Second Literary Contest organized for Indie Authors Amazon Kindle, Mexico is again the second country worldwide Participants in books and moves to third place in Venezuela, who had remained there most of the competition; Spaniards are consolidated as the country has more books in the dispute.

The Federal District and Jalisco are the areas of Mexico that have risen to more titles platform Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP), however, for the first time in nearly two months since opening the conference, the State of Mexico slipped to the Top 3 of largest number of participating works. As the respective ranking of cities worldwide, Madrid continues with the advantage; followed by Caracas, who narrowly beats Mexico City; Valencia and Barcelona do not remove your finger from the line to finish in the Top 5. On gender, ‘Fiction’ is the most popular category among the participating writers, who also have preferences for ‘Science Fiction & Fantasy’; ‘Juvenile literature’; ‘Mystery, thriller and suspense’ or ‘Romance’

To compete in this Second Literary Contest Indie Authors, simply upload self-authored a book on the KDP platform (https:. // Kdp. and compete to see the work published in print edition by Editorial The Sphere Books and Audible audio, it will also be translated and published in digital, print and audio format in English by AmazonCrossing, the seal of Amazon Publishing that translates and publishes international literary

For more information visit:., but hurry, because the call closes this week class=”clear”


OnePlus 2 Xtreme JBL, Amazon Kindle Paperwhite … you top 5 des tests – 01net

Le top 5 du labo des tests

De nouveaux produits ont his se faire remarquer labo cette semaine. In tête d’affiche, l’un des smartphones attendus par les plus you technophiles them, you OnePlus OnePlus 2 . Nouveau produit, même philosophie: proposer le meilleur rapport équipement / prix … et ça marche! Et pour des dernières semaines profiter beau temps en plein air, the JBL Xtreme disposée est tout à mettre de l’ambiance. Non seulement sur elle fonctionne longtemps batterie, mais elle in a dans le ventre.
Pour les amateurs du farniente façon ‘transat / bouquin “nous recommandons l’ Amazon Kindle Paperwhite Wi -Fi . Ce millésime 2015 Désormais dispose d’un écran de très haute définition. Un autre smartphone complète ce Top 5. Il s’agit du LG G4c , un modèle 5 pouces pour qu’on choisira are autonomie et équipement globalement are well balanced.
Dernier produit parmi l ‘ semaine elite, you TomTom GO 500 . S’il ne s’agit pas d’un produit récent, il propose désormais of interactions avec les nouvelles très interessantes smartphones (iOS et Android), qui s’appliquent d’ailleurs à tous les nouveaux produits.
Cette semaine The rédaction to également réalisé one comparatif des meilleures sur mobile GPS applications. Certaines proposent vous même de vous gratuitement guider partout dans le monde. Enfin, la rentrée est souvent l’occasion de matériel renouveler are high-tech. C’est pourquoi vous nous proposons one special dossier “les bonnes affaires of the rentrée» où vous les bons plans trouverez du moment, tous produits confondus.

OnePlus 2 (OnePlus)

L. Morillon – OnePlus 2

Le OnePlus 2 subtract a smartphone attrayant pair are excellent rapport qualité-prix. A moins de 400 euros, c’est le seul appareil du marché à intégrer one capteur d’empreintes, une optique stabilization … Lire la suite
Note: 4 étoiles | Prix: € 399

JBL Xtreme

 © DR

” L’Xtreme is certes imposante , mais elle offre une excellente in contrepartie autonomie. If you grosses amateur basses vont l’adorer, nous l’aurions préférée avec un peu plus d’aigus … Lire la suite »

Note: 4 étoiles | Prix: € 299

Amazon Kindle Paperwhite Wi-Fi

 © DR

” Cette édition 2015 n’apporte Finalement that peu de nouveautés, mais d’entre elles l’une porte sur une caractéristique majeure: l’écran, qui passe en une haute résolution. Faut-il sa vieille troquer liseuse … Lire la suite »

Note: 4 étoiles | Prix: € 130

LG G4c

© DR

“Ce qu’on apprécié sur le LG G4c, c’est are caractère équilibré, avec des satisfaisantes sur tous les plans performances: l’écran The photo, le confort d’usage, etc. Le smartphone peut même d’être is targuer l’un des plus endurants du marché … Lire la suite »

Note: 4 étoiles | Prix: € 249

TomTom GO 500

 © DR

” Le TomTom GO 500 GPS fait partie des référence sur le marché des modèles 5 pouces. If the qualité de son temps réel in trafic information are offre et de mise à jour des cartes gratuites sont ses deux principaux points forts … Lire la suite »

Note: 4 étoiles | Prix: € 160


Friday, August 21, 2015

TAG # 195: CloneMe, Digital Terrestrial Television launches Motorola, Windows 10, Kindle Voyage, AtenCoin and … – unocero


195 The TAG program is ready as every Monday, always full of information about the world of technology .

For this issue we have the unboxing of two products, first the new reader Amazon Kindle, which is called Voyage and also that of the Sony SRS-X33 portable speaker. Also talked about new releases that will Motorola Moto G and Moto X worldwide; and the important arrival of Windows 10 this July 29.

In addition, an issue that has emerged is the Digital Terrestrial Television in Mexico consisting basically of the blackout of analog TV to make way for digital television in the country.

Finally, we present the result of our experience in CloneMe , a company that literally, you cloned or almost any living thing and make pretty amazing statues.

Join us to see this new episode of TAG and do not forget to leave us your comments and suggestions for future programs and, obviously, for our TAG 200.



Thursday, August 20, 2015

Fantagraphics, Comixology Deal to Expand the Kindle Store – Publishers Weekly

Fantagraphics have STI Renewed and expanded digital distribution agreement for the Comixology platform, and starting today some 300 titles will be available on Amazon’s Kindle Store. The offerings include classics: such as Love & amp; Rockets by James & amp; Gilbert Hernandez, I Killed Adolf Hitler by Jason, How to Be Happy by Eleanor Davis, TEOTFW by Chuck Forsman and Ed Piskor’s Hip Hop Family Tree .

Fantagraphics, long home to some of The most acclaimed literary cartoonists, joins a small group of publishers- Marvel, Archie and IDW-Who Have full catalogs available on the Kindle store, but more will be added soon, ACCORDING TO Comixology co-founder and CEO David Steinberger.

Fantagraphics associate publisher Eric Reynolds Sees Their line adding to the Kindle store as A Way to Increase availability to ebook readers. “Comixology’ve done a great job of launching digital comics, WHO Especially readers to purchase single issues, but we’re hoping to penetrate deeper into the book buying audience Kindle That Reaches,” I Told PW.

“Between what Comixology Brings to the table in terms of tech and what Amazon Brings in terms of getting into the hands of People Who consumes books on Kindles, there’s a lot of potential there,” says Reynolds.

Steinberger confirms That the Kindle’s primary audience-prose readers-is more graphic novel focused, but since Amazon’s acquisition of Comixology last year, they’ve Been expanding the kind of comics available on the platform-Fantagraphics’s deep Being a prime example catalog. “As we continue to bring in more comics to Kindle and more graphic novels to Comixology, there are great Opportunities for growth on Both Sides,” I says.

Fantagraphics longer than resisted going digital many publishers, print and is still focused, but joining Comixology, and other digital platforms: such as Google Play and the Sequential app, have created a reliable income stream ACCORDING TO Reynolds. With MOST As publishers, the bestsellers are like in Both print and digital. “ Love and Rockets and Hip Hop Family Tree Have done really well in both, as have some other creators Who Have Been Around the direct market for a while,” He Said. “Digital sales Continues to grow for us in every quarter, and more Rapidly all the time.”

Fantagraphics Already titles are available via the Comixology platform, Including downloadable bundles of work by The Hernandez Brothers and Jason. The Kindle store can not Currently handle bundles but as With Comixology, new releases are available the same day as print.

Other Fantagraphics titles now available on the Kindle store include Hate (Peter Bagge), Dungeon Quest (Joe Daly) and Violenzia ( Richard Hall).


More and more people read books on their smartphones – Proexpansión Peru

The first e-book was released in 1998. Since then, the publishing industry has changed a lot. However, not everything is going as expected. For example, today, although tablets preferred by readers of digital books gadget, it is increasingly clear that the future of the publishing industry is not in e-readers but on smartphones.

The following indicators can give you a clear idea of ​​what is moving the market for electronic books:

  • In 2012, 30% of buyers of e-books read the book in tablets. Today this figure has risen to 41%.
  • In 2012, only 24% of buyers of e-books read books sometime in their smartphones. In 2014, this figure had already risen to 54%.
  • Furthermore, in 2012, only 9% of buyers of e-books only read books on their smartphones. In 2015, this figure is already 14%.
  • Meanwhile, the use of e-readers such as Kindles and Nooks is declining among buyers of e-books and has been reduced from 50% to 32%.

These indicators are already encouraging an adjustment plans publishers to design, promote and sell books companies. Screens, for starters, are smaller than those of the e-readers, but increasingly the differences are minor, especially since the launch of iPhone6 ​​and iPhone6 ​​+.

With regard to this aspect, analysts are very practical: for most of them, the best device for reading a book is precisely that which you have always with you. In the smartphone that surpasses all others. With a smartphone you can advance reading your book in line at the grocery store, while waiting for your appointment with the dentist and even on the go at the Metropolitan, without having to be carrying a larger device like a tablet or an e-reader .

However, what is still no consensus on whether people can provide the same kind of care and achieve the same level of concentration while reading a book with a smartphone compared to other e -readers or tablets or even printed books. For many, this is not possible mainly because of its very nature a smartphone predisposes us to be alert to news and messages, something that is not exactly what a person needs to read and assimilate the contents of a book in peace. Precisely for this it is that printed books are still in high demand and could not be displaced by any technological device.


Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Makes Chetan Bhagat Amazon’s ‘Making India Awesome’ Exclusively available on … – Financial Express

Amazon today Announced That it has received exclusive digital rights to Chetan Bhagat’s new book, “Making India Awesome ‘and, starting today, the ebook is available exclusively on Kindle’s India store.

Sanjeev Jha, Director – Kindle Content, said “Chetan Bhagat is one of India’s Most prolific authors With an envious fan following. We are very excited to offer exclusive access to Kindle users His latest work, “Making India Awesome.”

On his part, Chetan Bhagat said “With the world moving to a digital stage, Kindle was natural partner for my latest work. Their strong platform Provides readers With access to millions of books, authors and Gives access to millions of customers. I hope readers continue to enjoy consuming my work on the world’s favorite reading device & amp; app. “

First Published on August 19, 2015 2:36 pm © The Indian Express Online Media Pvt Ltd

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Monday, August 17, 2015

A face to face with two “e-readers” –

The market for electronic books in Colombia is in the making. According to the Colombian Chamber of Information Technology and Telecommunications (CCIT), only 1.5 percent of the editorial content acquired are digital. In other countries, such as England, the percentage of acceptance of this format reaches 85 percent.

Users agree that reading through tablet screens or cell no it’s comfortable.
The average time for reading a TIME article on the web does not exceed five minutes in the best, reaches 12.

Therefore, the presence of electronic readers (e-readers) on the market is essential to boost digital content: they are devices that look like small tablets, but come to a technology called electronic ink. Through the same experience that offer paper books simulates

In the Colombian market and we find at least two families of these technological items. Papyre Grammata and the Amazon . Kindle

We could test two models: the 630 Papyre and Kindle Paperwhite
2014. In terms of design, the difference is noticeable: the Kindle has a thickness of 9 mm, against 9.5 Grammata device. However, for the reader of the Spanish company, Papyre comes with a case body and attached buttons to move your body and refresh the page.

The biggest differences are noticed when we turn on the two devices: the Papyre takes about 26 seconds versus almost 40 Kindle

But the image quality offered by the Amazon device is superior.. It follows that the cause of this phenomenon responds to device software because, on paper, both readers have 6-inch screen with resolution of 758 by 1024 pixels with E-ink technology Pearl. The sharpness of the letters in the Kindle is much higher

And the main weakness of Papyre lies in its software. It feels more rustic, complex to use, and your answer is slower. Kindle interface seems more friendly and the response of the touch screen is almost immediate

Another aspect to assess the levels of backlight. In the Kindle are up to 24 levels lighting against eight of Papyre.

Up to that point of the evaluation, the victory seems logical for the Amazon device. However, a factor tips the balance in favor of competitor reader. Papyre supports open source ePub format, the most popular in terms of offering a story in electronic content

The Amazon store

Suno of the main attractions is its Amazon e-book store. The same can be accessed from a section located on the Kindle. Has a catalog of 120,000 titles in Spanish and hope to have 150,000 at year end.
The average price of each book is between 7 and $ 9. One of the gaps in the store is the scarcity of children’s content

Kindle. Best picture

In this comparison, the Kindle He leads praise for its image quality. The battery life is extended for eight weeks. However, this device does not allow reading the format most used in electronic content: the ePub. The user is required to buy books in Amazon’s own format (AZW), in Mobipocket PRC or pdf. The cost of Paperwhite 2014 is raised to the Colombian market: it is achieved by 429,900 pesos. The basic model costs 269,000 pesos, but no backlight

Papyre. Cheaper, but slower

The Papyre 630 costs less than Kindle: about 300,000 pesos, and accepts a wider range of formats: TXT, PDF, EPUB, PDB, FB2, RTF, mobi, among other
should improve its ‘software’.. It is slower than the Kindle and less friendly, and the image quality is significantly lower. For details on its availability in Colombia, visit the page.


Friday, August 14, 2015

Amazon Kindle has arrived to Colombia – El Universal – Colombia

The most compact way to read thousands of books is already in Colombia, it is Kindle and will be available in the official store of electronic reader in the free market and in stores Falabella, Ripley and Jumbo.

The tool that lets you download a book in a minute, you have Kindle and Kindle Paperwhite, this second, there will shine on the screen, but if adjustable light that will leave can read day and night, in addition to a battery that is measured in weeks.

“We are very excited about the arrival of e-readers Kindle and Kindle Paperwhite Colombian consumers through Falabella stores, Jumbo and Ripley and through the official store in MercadoLibre. In this way, we will give consumers a convenient way to enjoy the experience and the benefits of reading on a Kindle, “said Pedro Huerta, director of Kindle content for Latin America Amazon.

Huerta added you can access more than two million books and 110 thousand in Castilian, connecting with the Amazon Kindle store.

Kindle will have an average price of $ 269 thousand, while Kindle Paperwhite will be $ 429 thousand.
