Thursday, August 20, 2015

More and more people read books on their smartphones – Proexpansión Peru

The first e-book was released in 1998. Since then, the publishing industry has changed a lot. However, not everything is going as expected. For example, today, although tablets preferred by readers of digital books gadget, it is increasingly clear that the future of the publishing industry is not in e-readers but on smartphones.

The following indicators can give you a clear idea of ​​what is moving the market for electronic books:

  • In 2012, 30% of buyers of e-books read the book in tablets. Today this figure has risen to 41%.
  • In 2012, only 24% of buyers of e-books read books sometime in their smartphones. In 2014, this figure had already risen to 54%.
  • Furthermore, in 2012, only 9% of buyers of e-books only read books on their smartphones. In 2015, this figure is already 14%.
  • Meanwhile, the use of e-readers such as Kindles and Nooks is declining among buyers of e-books and has been reduced from 50% to 32%.

These indicators are already encouraging an adjustment plans publishers to design, promote and sell books companies. Screens, for starters, are smaller than those of the e-readers, but increasingly the differences are minor, especially since the launch of iPhone6 ​​and iPhone6 ​​+.

With regard to this aspect, analysts are very practical: for most of them, the best device for reading a book is precisely that which you have always with you. In the smartphone that surpasses all others. With a smartphone you can advance reading your book in line at the grocery store, while waiting for your appointment with the dentist and even on the go at the Metropolitan, without having to be carrying a larger device like a tablet or an e-reader .

However, what is still no consensus on whether people can provide the same kind of care and achieve the same level of concentration while reading a book with a smartphone compared to other e -readers or tablets or even printed books. For many, this is not possible mainly because of its very nature a smartphone predisposes us to be alert to news and messages, something that is not exactly what a person needs to read and assimilate the contents of a book in peace. Precisely for this it is that printed books are still in high demand and could not be displaced by any technological device.


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