Thursday, September 17, 2015

The problems of making books in the Kindle format –

MEXICO, DF (Approved) .- The Kindle platform I think one of the best to publish content (including books, of course), currently have. On the one hand it is popular and secondly, the authors give a lot of alternatives to promote their work, including putting the selling price of each of them.

On the one hand, the format publication is very similar to HTML and hence Kindle books can be read in the same way on different platforms, both desktop and mobile. Indeed, generating a book in this format you can be done from Microsoft Word (or even OpenOffice or LibreOffice) and the Amazon itself has a free guide showing step by step how the “Building Yur Book for Kindle” should be done.

To be successful and that the publication is well, perhaps most important is to use the “styles” of Word, some of which are already in the bar items that puts the program on the screen (at the top ).

This is important because some styles are used to generate the table of contents, among other things. However, if we can think of using the “tab” (Tab) key to move text, we find that it does not like Kindle and the format can spoil or not properly seen in all devices.

Kindle also has a program that allows us to observe how the book will be newly formed (before uploading to Amazon). It is something like an emulator. Notwithstanding this, we must recognize that this system is misleading because for example, if you use a font (a source) that Kindle does not handle, and then in the final book, if this font does not exist on the machine or device User, Kindle will change the other.

This can be a serious problem that we can not tell because seeing our work in electronic format, with the fonts you have installed, do not observe any problems.

In fact, I faced this problem because I have already a lot of time writing a book about Aron Nimzowitsch, which thought, should put in Kindle and see how much acceptance has.

those who can not imagine chess books unless there is a whole in the game notation to describe the moves they make.

In older books (before the seventies of the last century) descriptive notation was used. For example, the Ruy Lopez Exchange Variation could well be written 1. P4R P4R 2. C3aR, C3AD 3. A5C P3TD 4. AxC pDXA.

Today the algebraic notation and this is used it would thus opening. 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 a6 4. Bxc6 dxc6

However, in modern books, perhaps because of the influence of the Yugoslav publication, ” Chess Informant, “which started out every six months with the best games of the previous semester (and now comes out four times a year), the parts, which are generally R (y), D (love), A (lfil) , C (Aballo) and T (orre) is used, the initial of each (except the P (eon), which is omitted and so, when does not appear, talk which is a pawn move), but in the Informer a figurine showing the piece appears.

All modern books put the moves as in the previous example, using the type “figurine” chess, that is, the kind of letter in pieces chess (several styles of such figurines chess available in the TrueType format). However, the Kindle platform does not accept any font but adheres to a few (I think they are up to 8).

So a chess book written for use in electronic format Kindle, no It can be created with figurines because it is not a font that commonly use this platform. The same goes for chess diagrams, which often represent key positions of the items that appear in the books.

There fonts (TrueType), which let you diagrams. There are letters that represent each piece in white or black square box can form complete diagrams.

Again, this is a problem for Kindle, because this system does not accept specific types of such letter. The platform is designed for books with the most common types of letter and, even though there are tools to make embedded font types, there appears to ensure that Kindle books look good on any device.

In short and this seems to be applied to books that contain specific fonts, different than Kindle handles default: they do not look good on any device that has the reader Kindle or in any mobile device including own Kindle Reader and would not notice if these fonts have them installed on your machine.

What to do? Particularly for chess books the solution is to use diagrams that are images (although the end result is many more megabytes are diagrams for JPG) and the entry of items not using figurines, but the letters representing each piece.

I think this problem can occur in other books and imagine gradually, with the advancement of technology, these problems will be solved. Meanwhile, take into account these details that guide the Kindle indicated.

In fact, all this is found in a book that cost me 73 cents (From Word to Kindle), Aaron Shepard. A guide made much friendlier than the one with Amazon and mentions the potential problems that can arise when you decide to make a book for the Kindle platform.

If you are thinking of publishing a book for Amazon Kindle locate some of the guides generally used to form the books for this platform.

You can, of course, to do with the signs of the free book can be downloaded from Amazon, but frankly, there is more than one author explaining better what the virtual company books should explain.


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