Friday, January 31, 2014

Amazon introduced four new Kindle Fire -

Amazon introduced four new Kindle Fire tablets on Thursday, including ones with color screens larger. In this way, the online shoplaunches into competition with Apple before the start of the holiday shopping season. Inc. introduced the Kindle Fire’s largest, with a high definition screen, to the expectations created by Apple Inc., which next week will present a smaller iPad.

The basic version of the tablet will sell for $ 299, this is $ 100 less than the cheapest iPad.

Amazon tablets sold at a low price, with very thin profit margins in order to boost sales of digital products from your online store.


Amazon, Jeff Bezos, said in an interview behind the scenes of the presentation that Amazon will not lose money on the device, even if customers do not I used to buy digital content from its online store.

“We want people to buy content from the device,” he said. “But we’re okay, if we do not.”

The proposal of the Amazon Kindle Fire -

The new Kindle Fire HD (high definition) comes in three versions: an update of the previous product, 7 inches (17.8 centimeters), and a new presentation with 8.9 inch screen (22.6 inches), which competes directly with the iPad, as announced to reporters the founder and CEO of Amazon, Jeff Bezos.

And even more to the Apple tablet challenge will be a third version of the Kindle Fire HD large screen with 4G connection, for the same price as the basic iPad, Bezos said at a press conference in Santa Monica, west Los Angeles (California, west).

“It’s a big market and do not want to talk to competitors,” he told AFP Dave Limp, Kindle vice president, when asked if they could consider HD Kindle Competitor Direct iPad.

“But I think they (Apple) have had very good experience in this market and we are very excited to join. Consumers will be the ones to decide if we are doing well,” he added to After the presentation, while journalists experienced the new versions of Kindle.

The new Kindle Fire HD have free Wifi and two antennas, Bezos explained to the press, ensuring that this connection has a speed 41% faster than the last generation of the iPad, launched in March this year.

The Kindle Fire 7 inch HD cost $ 199, cost the same as before the low-resolution version, which was revised down price.

Meanwhile, the new Kindle Fire tablet 8.9 inch HD cost $ 299, considerably less than the iPad, ranging between 400 and $ 700 figure, while the third option with 4G connectivity will Sales 499, the same price of the basic iPad.

This large screen tablet is 8.8 mm thick and weighs 560 grams.

“We speak here of the most popular price for a tablet, $ 499, but doubled the storage capacity and, incredibly, adding wireless 4G “said Bezos.

The executive said he wants to keep lower than those of their competitors because they want to win money selling the content and not the devices.

“We make money when they use our equipment, not when they buy,” he told reporters at the event, whose mysterious reason was subject to much speculation for weeks behind.

The rumor circulating more frequently was that Amazon presented its version of a smartphone.

“If I won a dollar for every rumor I heard in recent weeks … “said Dave Limp told AFP. “I am proud that people pay attention to us.”

In addition to the three new Kindle Fire HD, Amazon unveiled an update to its previous Kindle Fire and a new family of e-book readers, the Kindle Paperwhite with “front light.”: that is, with illuminated front screen, not from behind to avoid eye discomfort

With a battery life of eight weeks with lit lighting, Kindle Paperwhite will go Sales 119 and 179 dollars.

This year, about 19% of U.S. adults will use a reader e-books at least once a month, according to market research firm eMarketer, next year while more than a third used a tablet, while only slightly more than one fifth use a reader.

“The new Amazon Kindle is bigger, more powerful and better than ever and compete directly with large market, “said Jeff Kagan, an industry analyst. “It will attract more consumers who would otherwise have chosen a tablet like the iPad.”

Anyway, “is still not an iPad,” he said Kagan.


Thursday, January 30, 2014

Amazon Kindle to provide a record payments - Reuters

MADRID, Jan. 30 (Portaltic / EP) –

Amazon is planning to offer a Kindle that accept credit cards for this summer, as reported by the news related to Wall Street Journal sources.

company Jeff Bezos give traders their Kindle devices credit card readers, as well as offering other services to retailers, such as website development for data analysis.

Amazon acquired last year the company GoPago, a mobile platform for trade. Furthermore, it would be embarking on a P2P payment system based on the cloud and be accessible via mobile phones and computers, what would compete directly with PayPal.

P2P payment system would have a mobile phone to pair to be cloud-based component, which can be applied on the desktop. Amazon P2P solution describes this as “a larger strategy to build products and services that will delight millions of customers.”

company would be looking to hire a number of developers for new payment services beyond those already offered online.

Related links:

– Wall Street Journal


Wednesday, January 29, 2014

iPad or Kindle Fire Air HDX 8.9 inches What is Best? - IPadizate

Five reasons why the iPad would go behind the Amazon Kindle Fire HDX

It is no news that the iPad has some less than other models that are in the market characteristics, but neither is it nevertheless performance, performance and user experience offered by the Apple tablet is virtually unsurpassed. However, we find certain models that stand out above the rest, such as the Kindle Fire HDX 8.9-inch Amazon, a tablet with a great relationship money that leaves no one indifferent.

Some think that Apple needs to evolve on their devices and launch a complete overhaul of your tablet instead of getting “stuck” but you could say that I have begun to walk that road to renewal with the iPad Air, we only have to wait to see what happens in generations.


kindle ipad e1390906413326

But how is this tablet compared to the iPad? A comparative lists with five major reasons that the iPad would be staying behind the Kindle Fire 8.9 inch HDX , so if you want to know you just have to keep reading.

price, a difference

First, one of the major differences we found between these two tablets is the price. In this regard we must emphasize two things: first, the price of the tablet, where we found a difference of almost 100 euros, as the 16GB model HDX Kindle Fire is priced € 379 and iPad Air 16GB amounts to € 499 .

On the other hand, there is no difference of the increase of a model to another by their storage capacity. Amazon raises the price 50 € while Apple increases price 100 € on each model.


Secondly we talk about it on the speakers. In this respect the Kindle Fire 8.9 inch HDX is equipped with a Dolby Digital Plus system offers great sound quality. Meanwhile, the iPad Air also has a pretty good sound but may occasionally fall short. However, we must not forget that the iPad is not a device created specifically for media consumption but still offers a very good quality.


Kindle Fire HDX

Battery Life

One of the most important aspects and that users often have much in mind when you were buying a new tablet is autonomy is your battery. Apple in that regard knows how to get the most out of your battery and manages to get up to 10 hours of battery life , but Amazon comes stomping with his new tablet and managed to get up to 12 hours of battery life. So as you see both tablets are evenly matched in this regard.


iPad WiFi connection works perfectly and offers incredible performance, however the HDX Kindle Fire has a double MIMO antenna that increases the ability of WiFi and makes it superior.

However, not always enough to have better technology and better hardware, but also must see that is known to squeeze maximum performance and although Apple does not have many times more hardware pointer must recognize that their performance is unsurpassed.


ipad e1386788874922 air resale

A button

“Mayday” emergency

This is where Amazon takes a clear advantage, not only with respect to the iPad but with the other tablets we can find in the market. The company includes in its Kindle Fire HDX button “Mayday” that we only have to click a few times and we will get in touch with someone who will help us solve any problem we have with our device so you can make the most possible.


chats, fill out forms or anything like that, speak directly with a person who helps us. In this regard, as they do on the website of ZDNet, we have to give 10 to Amazon.

Finally we can only say that both the iPad and Kindle Fire Air HDX are two large tablets you can find on the market and is already up to the user to choose which best fits their


Saturday, January 25, 2014

View more options - ZoomNews

Kindle, Amazon’s ebook is gradually winning the hearts of readers

Kindle, Amazon's ebook Kindle, Amazon ebook

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Hector Casado

am passionate about books, and not just what they tell us, and also as objects fascinate me, I enjoy a good edition, with the smell and even the feel of the pages. However, although it seems a contradiction, do not read them. Specifically since I got ebook , ebook Amazon also known as Kindle .

From a rational point of view, the emotional perspective is subjective, electronic reading devices, the ebook, is superior to the traditional role. Paper is inefficient to store and transmit information support: weight, can not be reused, environmentally friendly and takes up much volume


evolution of electronic soon allowed to develop substitutes for paper books and between them and before the famous iPad, e-books . These devices have evolved to the present based on two different display technologies: electronic ink (the so-called ebook) or LCD screens active (emitting light and correspond to the tablets).

massive releases first ebook from the year 2007, then pushed by Amazon. Other companies like Sony and Samsung then launched similar products but not with the enthusiasm and the success of the first. Amazon has about 50% world share ebooks.

2010 Apple launched its iPad, a device which also offers the ability to read books to do many other things. And here the difficulties begin, what product is right for me, an ebook or tablet . The answer depends largely on your needs and your listing, although there are two alternatives with clear answers: if you only want to read books or if you need it for many other things (emails, browsing, watching movies …)


In the first case the answer is simple: buy an ebook. The second is even more easy, it only serves the tablet. But there is a question, what if I buy the tablet (the famous iPad for example), I need a ebook? The answer, again, depends on your reader profile.

me explain. The ebook is designed specifically and almost exclusively for reading books. They are based on the aforementioned electronic ink technology whose main characteristics are hardly easy on the eyes, can be used outdoors because it has no reflections, consumes little battery and requires a hardware cheap and lightweight (220 g versus 700 g almost 310 an iPad or an iPad mini ).

In other words, if you devour books and need a tablet, surely worthwhile also have an ebook. You can read abroad, weighs little, you can use it comfortably in bed, not heated, just easy on the eyes and is substantially cheaper than a tablet (about 100 euros compared to over 400 tablets) -.

    class=”sugerencias”> Blog, Fair Valiente: Amazon launches the Kindle Fire 7 under 100 dollars


  • the beat of your eBook
  • Blog, José Luis Ibáñez Ridao: Are expensive eBook? (I) The price war
  • Blog, José Luis Ibáñez Ridao: Are expensive Ebook? (II) The value of a bit
  • Gallery: Best Cases for iPad and eBook

And if finally decided to buy an ebook, what to buy? The offer is immense with the market divided by the product of Amazon and the rest. I’ll try to help them understand the differences between them.

Amazon has a line of electronic devices called Kindle. Under this brand sells LCD devices (tablets are comparable to an iPad) known as Kindle Fire and devices with e-ink screen simply called Kindle and Kindle Paperwhite . We is the latter to which we refer as ebooks.


eBooks from Amazon, Samsung and Sony are similar in quality finishes and configurations, with the main difference in filing Amazon uses a closed ecosystem . I mean all books have to be bought in their store because they read a proprietary format of the company ‘. AZW ‘ (an adapted version of the format ‘. Mobi’) , while the rest use open formats, usually ‘. ePub’ , which share many content providers. Moreover, all the ebook, including Kindle can read PDF and TXT formats. The other difference is the price, Kindle is cheaper than the homologous products of the premium brands. Although you can find cheaper clones that Kindle. Starting from 60 euros, but in these finishes and quality are not feeling up to


Amazon ecosystem, this poses no difficulty. Amazon has a huge catalog of books in Spanish (and almost infinite in English) at competitive prices. With other devices you can buy at many different stores, but not in the Kindle store, but in my experience I have never missed a product on Amazon that I was in another store. On the other hand, always buying the same site offers an advantage to have everything stored under one account: purchase history, interests, recommendations … Besides the Kindle books you purchase from Amazon are stored in the Amazon cloud automatically so who never lost and can access them from any Kindle device.

to finish and if you finally decide to buy a Kindle, you still have to choose between the basic model to 79 Euros or 129 Euros Paperwhite model. What explains the price difference?. The screen of the Kindle Paperwhite provides very important advantages: incorporates LED lighting to read in the dark without recourse to external sources of light, brightness and contrast is higher (60% more pixels) and is interactive, which facilitates handling menus and, if appropriate, taking notes in books.

In short, if you read a lot, whether or not a tablet, an e-book can be a great gift and made choosing one, the Kindle, and the Kindle Paperwhite espelcialmente are an excellent choice.

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Héctor Casado

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Friday, January 24, 2014

HDX Kindle Fire 7 ": display and power - Macsoluciones

‘ve always had a soft spot for the Amazon Kindle products. Perhaps, after all, because they were the first to provide a tablet aimed at avid readers. Now, the Kindle Fire HDX comes in a tablet with Android flavor a really powerful combination of power and performance.

The last of the tablet added to my private collection was Kindle Fire HD 7 “, a mix of revamped Android now what has been dubbed Amazon Kindle OS ( Mojito version 3.0 , variant Android 4.2.2 ), which adds to the specific capabilities of the usual reading we find in any other tablet: running games applications, network access … In short, the taste of Amazon puts in the hands of users and applications alike literature accessible to a tap from your store, as Apple does with its ecosystem.

But now that I have the HDX Kindle Fire 7 “ in my hands is when I regret (to some extent) have bought the previous generation product. (Who does not like have the best?)

is that while early on I strove to minimize the advantages that could make the new HDX version compared to the Kindle Fire HD, as would any good defender of rational choice made at the time, finally I have not been forced to kneel on the floor. I must admit that for a few months apart, would not return to Kindle Fire HD after saying goodbye to HDX as one becomes a daily reality after enjoying the holiday of a lifetime.

things first, to explain. Let’s start with the design.

So far the Kindle

latest smart (and I’ll call the tablet and no more read-oriented, such as the Kindle or Kindle Paperwhite ), had a rounded shape in the contours was elegant and pleasant to the touch, something that fit my taste better than the new path taken in the Kindle Fire HDX. Others, however, find the new design a more elegant compared to the previous model labeled “little stylish” execution.

I must admit that initially the appearance of truncated pyramid on the back of the HDX Kindle Fire 7 “left me somewhat perplexed, and I looked up to an older design compared. After several weeks of using the natural meeting plus it seems a success that the small speakers to be passed in the upper band thus no longer have to think if will be covered when holding the tablet with your hands. while the maximum volume is enough to hear readily the dialogues during video playback (without distortion!)

But as for the new design I see that Amazon is more successful we finally prevents torture to locate and identify the buttons. With the latest Kindle Fire have always had to make one complete turn the device to locate the power button, and more often than desired’m done pressing the volume buttons instead of ignition.

Now, finally, the buttons are slightly split on the product case and separate in function. So, if we take the Kindle Fire horizontally HDX, our fingers will have no problem identifying the two volume adjustment buttons on the right side would be the back side while the power button would be at the same height but on the left. This is so natural that when using the device in landscape mode (probably with games and video playback), it is not whether we are using the product vertically.

Beyond these details, which has undergone a dramatic improvement is the reduction of both weight and thickness compared to the previous generation. In fact, it is almost half the finest, and while the features indicate that the Kindle Fire HDX weighs just 45 grams less , the perception in everyday is to use a lighter device, and you notice when it comes to keeping for long periods and not in sporadic use.

The first improvement is none other than the screen itself. After all, this is one of the main parts in this device class.

In this case the panel with a resolution of 1,920 x 1,200 points , and a definition of 323 dpi , is capable of displaying the full range of colors in the collection sRGB color model . That is, the version really “HD” Kindle Fire HD, and having a better definition.

panel quality is amazing and allowed especially noticeable in movie playback and 3D games, where the power of the tablet also helps his. However, when it comes to simple text on white background I noticed that the panel tends to show a shaded area along the entire contour of the screen , which is quite annoying when reading . Furthermore, while the backlight level is pretty good, sometimes I had no choice but to use the manual setting, especially when using the Kindle Fire in a HDX completely dark room.

what interests is performance then the HDX Kindle Fire is one of the best options you can find on the range of 7. “Front dual core processor at 1.5 GHz used in the previous generation product, in this case Amazon has used a quad-core processor at 2.2 GHz able to provide significantly better performance.

Specifically, the HDX Kindle Fire 7 “uses a Snapdragon chipset 800 , with a Krait CPU 400 quad core (Qualcomm ARMv7) and a GPU Adreno 330 , while the available memory on the device for applications reaches 2 GB (actually 1.7 GB free)


What I have noticed during the performance tests is that the device gets very hot, much less compared to the Kindle when demanding HD games are used for a reasonable amount of time. In most other applications very good use of all that power will not likely do. In this direction there are also significant improvements in terms of graphics performance, quality effects and textures.

On the results, the graph obtained by performance 3DMark , this device would be above even the Air and iPad Mini iPad Retina 7.9 “Apple by 9% and 14% respectively. Regarding performance differences alone processor, the differences are more bulky, rising to 39% in comparison with the iPad Air, and 49% if it is compared with the mini iPad Retina.


improved product areas are wireless and battery. In the first case, now uses MIMO technology (inputs and multiple outputs), allowing connection to access points Wi-Fi 802.11n dual-band, for example. In short, more speed for downloading apps and videos or music, especially. Then, quite an achievement considering that the processor used and the wireless technology, the Kindle Fire HDX capable of reaching 11 hours of combined use .

Personally, I have found this product one of the most enduring my pace before having to go back through the plug to recharge your battery: games, lots of reading, the occasional video, and Wi-Fi quite navigation ( addition to downloading books purchased in the Kindle Store).

Now look at my Kindle Fire HD and would submit it to a weight loss therapy, although it would not get the same benefits that the Kindle Fire does offer HDX. Moreover, in the current version of the Kindle Fire HD keep in mind that it has removed the front camera, plus it does not have exactly the same characteristics as compared to the original Kindle Fire HD.


Kindle Fire HDX can find from 229 USD with a storage capacity of 16 GB, which is quite reasonably priced. And if you think something fair amount of storage, remember that you can always use a device like the Sandisk Wireless, or opt for the configurations with 32 or 64 GB of storage. As in previous products, any of these options are available as “sponsored” option (basically receive non-intrusive advertising and not pouring), and you were personally I chose when I bought my Kindle Fire HD (and would do in the case of Fire HDX without hesitation).


Taking the above into account, is it a recommended purchase? Without hesitation, provided you have in mind that, although can connect it to your Mac to share files, its integration with Apple computers ends there. Think of the Kindle Fire HDX as a product in its own ecosystem, Amazon. And if you’re the type of user who goes to buy his books and apps (Android with tweaks) to the online store Amazon, then this tablet is an excellent choice considering its price / performance ratio.


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Monday, January 20, 2014

Kindle Fire HDX 8.9, analysis - Engadget

Kindle Fire HDX analysis Engadget

After getting an overwhelming dominance in the market for e-book readers, the Kindle family expanded two years ago with Fire tablets, models recently renovated with new HDX .

Kindle Fire

HDX of 8.9 inches is the crown jewel of the Amazon tablets currently. And no wonder. Your weight and take a spectacular display outstanding plenty in our analysis 8.9-inch Kindle Fire , but Amazon stumbles back with its ecosystem, still not fully in Spain. Come and read.

Kindle Fire

HDX 8.9, main features

We start our analysis

Kindle Fire HDX 8.9 reviewing key features on paper.

From 379 euros

 Kindle Fire HDX Kindle Fire HDX 8.9″
Screen 8.9 inches
resolution 2560 × 1600 pixels
Density 339 dpi
Processor 2.2 Ghz Snapdragon 800
Internal Memory 16/32/64 GB
Weight 374 gr.
Thickness 7.8 mm
Connectivity wireless n dual band / dual antenna
Autonomy 12 hours
Cameras 8 MP with LED flash / 2 MP class=”caps”> (f2.2)



currently by design in the segment of tablets is not easy. But the overall design of the Kindle Fire HDX I have to say that I liked. It is true that the finish is plastic, but set gives the feeling of robustness .

Kindle Fire HDX análisis

Amazon has done an excellent job with the weight of the Kindle Fire HDX 8.9 but could have done more to reduce the frames to make it more manageable yet

In this model the Amazon tablet also gains some personality thanks to the beveled edges finished and the dual material rear. Most of the back cover is plastic finishing touch rubber, less pleasant than the smooth but grip is key to this type of equipment generously sized. Only at the top, where stereo camera with flash are the speakers becomes shiny plastic with a purely visual goal.


us is unconvincing, especially the side, which could be reduced more and gain portability framework. If so, few tablets could compete in this respect with the Kindle Fire HDX because this tablet is primarily light. Until you have it in your hands do not realize how little weight, making it very comfortable to use even with one hand in portrait mode to read, despite its 8.9 inches. Really surprised this aspect over others. In figures are only 374 grams , considerably less than the previous generation, which has particular and according to Amazon, the new internal structure in magnesium worked.

Amazon Kindle Fire bisel

Another touch of personality that we love about this Kindle Fire HDX has to do with the placement physical power and volume controls . These are on the sides, but placed inside the housing drawing the beveled end thereof. I have personally been practical like having them there, especially the ignition, which is accessible in a more “natural” to take the tablet in landscape format, which will be standard, but not so much when using the Fire HDX in portrait mode.

Kindle Fire HDX físicos Beveled edges who prey to place physical controls

other connections are only the microUSB port for charging and headphone output. No memory card slot to increase the internal memory or use streaming content directly from it. Nor has included Amazon HDMI output make much sense in a tablet intended for access primarily to content.

Kindle Fire HDX conexiones Amazon has not exactly been generous with the ports on your Kindle Fire HDX

the Kindle Fire HDX have convinced me especially the speakers. are heard really good for a tablet and be placed in the back (my preference is still to be included in the front because it is more logical), with a powerful sound without excessive distortion. A good point no doubt for anyone who wants to give use very focused on playing music and video, with the help of Dolby Digital Plus technology, which optimizes the Amazon tablet fairly accurate way (especially the dialogue) the audio depending on what we are giving.

Altavoces The speakers, very good performance, and camera, are collected in a plastic strip of different finish to the rest of the back

Regarding the camera, the rear main 8 megapixel camera with flash gives an acceptable result, slightly above average, but neither seems to be a critical facet will choose a tablet or camera above the a current high-end smartphone.


The crown jewel of this Kindle Fire HDX is its screen, LCD says that Amazon is individually calibrated before leaving the factory. In its 8.9-inch diagonal online retail giant has not been hesitant to give a resolution of 2560 × 1600 pixels, which makes a monstrous pixel density of 339 ppi .

The Kindle Fire screen HDX 8.9 is not only special for its pixel density but the brightness and color reproduction as the opponent has placed aa beat today by other tablets on the market

But you have her in front to check beyond cold data that is superb, with a very faithful reproduction of color, more than enough brightness (400 nits), excellent viewing angles and visualization Correct outdoors. It does include a polarization filter, glare reduction and dynamic contrast adjustment that seeks to optimize the display according to the ambient light conditions.

Pixeles As much as you search for visible pixels, you will not find. It has 339 dpi

Performance and battery

With so many pixels to manage, Amazon had the power to take care of your new Kindle Fire HDX . For this occasion he has chosen and well-known 2.2 Ghz Snapdragon 800 together with 2 GB RAM memory . How Amazon has taken this combination is remarkable, as we have achieved in Geekbench score of 2576, very close to what we got with the iPad Air, by comparison.

Kindle Fire HDX 8.9 pantalla

daily, the operating system takes full advantage of this processor and our user experience has been completely satisfactory in terms of fluency, responsiveness and overall performance , whether playing content or games.


disk space, depends on the use you want to give your tablet and what you want to spend, but the 16GB model leaves only 10 GB of space for our content. If you are going to abuse offline content may be a good idea from 32GB model , which already leaves us as the Amazon itself, 25 GB for us.


As for the battery, is another point where the Amazon Kindle stand out very well. In continuous media playback we managed to always achieve more than 9 hours, an incredible fact, and mixed use we can be more than two days without worrying about the battery.

Operating System

If you’re looking tablet on the diagonal there are about nine inches, you will have seen by now that the Kindle Fire HDX Amazon offers the best in the vast majority of technical sections . But the final decision and advance that you’re going to have to be based almost exclusively on the operating system. Yes, it is true that it is an Android tablet, but too special, at least in Spain.

tienda The “eye” that sees all Amazon

FireOS great value of 3.0 is the integration ecosystem of content and services Amazon in a simple and functional interface. It is at least USA , because in Spain, a thick highlight of that content, video (Amazon Instant Video) has not yet been implemented, and this Kindle Fire HDX lost interest since.

The Kindle Fire

HDX is an Android tablet, yes, but not too special if “you” into the Amazon ecosystem, something especially difficult in Spain multimedia content section

interface FireOS new version 3.0 is an old and known for Engadget. We still have a very striking plant carousel and simple to manage the last thing we did with the tablet , be it a photo album, applications, video content, e-book or song. Just below find the closest thing to a classic desktop, with a few rows of application icons that can increase sliding the screen up and where we can now group content / applications folders (called collections Amazon). And above all, categories of content and services available for the user.

HDX Kindle Fire carousel

If we do this gesture from the side (or bottom, always where we display a small tab always visible), when we’re within an application, we appear shortcuts to the past we have used or content you have seen recently and we can launch instantly without going through the main screen. If instead we do this gesture from the frame up, a popup appears to us to manage some configuration parameters such as brightness or wireless connectivity, plus the notifications panel. What does not exist here is the yes button Mayday enjoying USA and it gives us a direct line to customer service of Amazon.

barra of aplicaciones

The other interface is the only thing we can remind the consumer knows that Android, with small menus and where Amazon has not wanted / could enter, but it should completely change it if Android is your mission.

Libros Amazon makes it perfect to always be surrounded by new content to buy


be a little frustrating for those not familiar with how Amazon works FireOS is the absence of the official Google app store . There is no way to access it, and in return we own Amazon is certain that includes most applications we will need, but not all. A very prominent example is the absence of the (official) Youtube application, or can not install another browser to make competition Silk, which Amazon included by default.

Tienda Amazon Amazon has its own Android app store, but there is no access to the official Google

As mentioned, only if you are a pure consumer of content from Amazon, especially books, find great value in integrating this Kindle, but please read the customer and the same or almost similar integration in iOS or Android get with the application. But it is a joy to go browsing Amazon purchased books and suggest you by this author, or related, and purchasing power in less time than it takes to think.

amazon libros Amazon will not let you run out of content to never buy

opinion and note Kindle Fire HDX 8.9 at Engadget


no remains committed to establish a user experience with the Kindle reader, but at around multimedia tablet . Also based on the combination of an attractive price and hardware virtually flawless in quality, with perfectly integrated services.

Amazon class=”sumario”>

Kindle Fire HDX 8.9 used that formula, and the result is outstanding level of hardware performance but especially overwhelming for rivals in weight and screen , tuition. However, the desire to focus all the experience in the ecosystem, from content to store applications, clashes in some territories like Spain in that experience can not be complete. This is the case of all things related to video, whose experience has not convinced us

Not that its interface does not work on Android, which is smooth and easy to use. But the refusal to accommodate the official store of Google results that we are limitations at the time to find some application, with particularly striking cases.


Design 8.5

Screen 9.75

Performance 9.5



Autonomy 9.5


  • spectacular display in all sections
  • very small

  • Weight
  • Performance and autonomy


  • OS ecosystem focused on Amazon
  • Paragraph

  • little usable video series
  • very few

  • Ports

The tablet has been loaned for testing by Amazon. You can see our business relations policy

Thursday, January 16, 2014

How to update Kindle Paperwhite -

# MundoEbooks

Paperwhite Update

So the new Kindle Paperwhite bought but can not find it anywhere new features as the function called Free Time to define what books they can read their children and then punish them to see that they did not read anything or that another function to tell the community that the last book Goodreads Roni Bandini is very good and get five stars.

What’s going on? Do strung? Probably not, your Kindle Paperwhite second generation needs a software update.

Turn on the Kindle, go to Start menu, configuration, device information. That will include the version. If it says something other than 5.4.2, then you have to update your device.


. Lower the software from Amazon

. Connect the Kindle to the computer with the USB cable and turn it On

. Copying and pasting and software from the computer to the Kindle (do not locate in a folder)

. Disconnect the USB cable

. Go to the Kindle, Home, Menu, Settings, menu icon (three bars) and Update the Kindle. Then confirm.

a sign that says “Your Kindle is being updated”

It should appearWhen you finish updating

will restart and new software features will appear on the device .

new features do not appear, I leave the phone number of Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, that I communicate 24 hours 7 days a week: 1-866-216-1072 (I leave mine but not I like talking on the phone.)


Kindle for Old Men

free hit counters

Monday, January 13, 2014

Kindle: arrives "GTA: San Andreas" - Kioskea

Kindle: comes

goes on sale version of “Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.” for Kindle and Android devices

As we advance in time, users of most gamers and Android devices Kindle are in luck because the video game “Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas” are now available for these platforms, as recorded by the web Portaltic. The game, originally released in 2004 for PlayStation 2, includes some new features and improvements over the original version : remastered in high resolution graphics, new characters modeled and improved gameplay. It also has a new set of control points, allows save games in the cloud and is support physical control knobs . “GTA: San Andreas” is one of the best titles of the saga rated by the gaming community and is remembered for its great variety of scenarios and missions and numerous customization options

The version for. Amazon platform is available only for the Kindle Fire HDX (using a modified version of Google’s operating system) for $ 6.99 / 6,99 euros. The Android edition costs $ 6.99 / € 5.99, and you have to keep in mind that occupies 2.4 GB and is not compatible with all phones . The game’s release was delayed a few weeks because, initially, it was expected that the Android version of “GTA: San Andreas” came out in December after editing for Apple iOS. Soon, a version for Windows Phone will launch

Photo with CreativeCommons, Flickr Licensing.. Cosmopolitan

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Kindle for iOS updated and includes filters, flashcards and books search - eNewspaper

Kindle for iOS The Kindle app for iOS just released version 4.1., with news and updates that can be very useful for both avid readers and students Kindle also used to annotate.

of implemented innovations more glaring is the possibility to use X-Ray to create notes, sketches and flashcards study from fragments of books and notes, now, also may be sorted by relevance, alphabetically or in order of appearance in the book or original manual.

Other new features worth noting is the improvement of OCR (Optical Character Recognition) technology that allows us to search printed characters more quickly and accurately, even with auto-completion of terms by introducing word of interest. Also improved annotations system by incorporating a series of filters that allow users to write down and highlight sections of text with the addition of being able to go directly to the page on which the notes were made.


interface changes, we can also see from how we now read in a book and how much has to finish reading, with the option to disable this item if we bother to navigate pages . Additionally, the dictionary has been redesigned and improved application stability.


Can you download the latest version of Kindle for iOS this link to the AppStore, while the app available for iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch with iOS versions 6.0. or higher.

@ wwwhatsnew



GTA San Andreas is now available for Android and Amazon Kindle -


have Grand Thef Auto: San Andreas for our Android devices. It has come a little late (remember that expected for December 2013), but we hope the wait was worth it. Of course, due to the technical requirements of this game will not be available for all Android (Amazon and Kindle) devices, but only for the most powerful.

differences with the version for iPad are minimal , and all the benefits and adaptations to the touch screen on it that we also have in the version. This includes the ability to configure different types of control and pointing, until you find the one that best suits our style of play, support for physical controls, ability to save games in the cloud and an updated control points system.

GTA: San Andreas is now available on Google Play a price of 6 €


Thursday, January 9, 2014

Kindle Fire HDX: robust, intuitive and with a spectacular resolution - EntornoInteligente



Posted by on Tuesday, December 2013


Kindle Fire: robust, intuitive and with a spectacular resolution

This news has been read 1387 times

ABC of Spain 2 / Lightweight, intuitive and with a spectacular resolution. The new range of tablets from Amazon, the Kindle Fire HDX offers a remarkable quality at very attractive. 229 euros from the 7-inch model and the 8.9-inch 379

The first thing that draws attention to catch it perfectly, something that can be done with one hand is his touch, his strength and weight: just 374 grams 8.9 inch version. To achieve this, Amazon has designed a comprehensive housing from a single piece of machined magnesium alloy and glass and nylon, and has integrated capacitive touch screen layer directly on the glass of the screen.

The result is a device that seems sturdy and well made, except on one point: the connection between the housing and the protective piece that houses the rear camera gives a sense, at least in the apparatus tested, not be fully integrated into all points.

The design is not, however, their key advantage and although Amazon has decided to put the volume controls and power button on the back of the device in to front and cleaner side, the frame of the screen is still too large compared to other devices. Nor favors that incorporate Amazon advertise their products to a screensaver, but this is something that you can avoid if you choose to buy it “without special offers”, representing an outlay of fifteen euros.

As for the camera, his photographs of 8 megapixels ensure more than acceptable quality. The best, of course, is the ability to record HD video at 1,080 p and electronic image stabilization feature, which allows inmortalicemos our birthday or our little excursion without looking like we’re on a roller coaster uploaded. Another positive point is the battery life: more than eleven hours continuous use

Flash Photography But the real trump card tablet Amazon is wonderful and amazing screen resolution.. The 8.9-inch version has a resolution of 2,560 x 1600 and a pixel density of 339 dpi, the best on the Kindle range and higher than the iPad Air. These figures allow us to see the bright, crisp colors, and fail to distinguish the screen in good condition even in bright sunlight. The visuals complete with a graphics processor Adreno 33 0, which provides high frame rates and permits more solvents graphics in games and 3D applications.

Another point in its favor is the simplicity of the system operating, very intuitive and easy to use even for people not familiar with this kind of devices. The range uses HDX Fire Fire OS 3.0 “Mojito”, a modified version of Android integrated with the Web and the range of products from Amazon, to the point of offering to the desktop free and paid books and other company materials available by hovering your finger over it.

It is very well optimized, which, together with its powerful 2.2 GHz Quad-Core and its ultrafast wifi antenna dual-band dual processor, makes no hang in no time. The negative side is that it lacks some of the most popular Google applications Pla and as Google Maps or Hangouts, although in many cases these can be supplemented by similar if they appear in the repository Amazon.

Kindle Fire Features HDX range – Display: 7 inch and 8.9 inch – Resolution: 1,920 x 1,200 dpi and 323 (7 inches) and 2,560 x 1,600 dpi and 339 (8.9 inches) – Dimensions: 23.1 cm x 15.8 cm x 0.78 cm (8 9pulgadas) – Weight: 374 grams (8.9 inches) – Processor: 8 Rear: Quad-Core 2.2 GHz Snapdragon 800 -: – Camera 2 GB RAM Mp that can record 1080p HD video. The rear camera includes an LED flash and electronic image stabilization feature to eliminate hand tremor – Battery life: over eleven hours – Price: 229 euros (7 inches), 379 euros (8.9 inches)