Sunday, February 16, 2014

With the arrival of Amazon to Colombia what is the future of libraries? -

How much affects the growth of digital culture industry of printed books

A serious publisher has clearly should focus on content production, not in print production.

editor’s role is to connect with readers content regardless of format, whether it is on paper or digital.

Al royal editor does not care how you sell your content because just wins. The savings in sending print books, is a saving moves to price paid by the final consumer, benefiting readers and does not affect the income of publishers, on the contrary, stimulates.

And what determines that digital books masifiquen

That will

according to how the market evolves. Today it is easier for readers to buy printed books because they are not yet established in Colombia major platforms like Amazon that actually stimulate the sale of digital books and even now is taking off publishing content in Spanish as most is in English.

Today, Editorial Norma and Bookstore U National Library sell books and digital texts Colombians but penetration is still low.

What is already common is that publishers register their books with the ISBN for print and digital but still focus more on selling printed.

When Amazon then reaches Colombia

be established this year as we have been told. The importance of Amazon is that they not only stimulate book sales but selling your digital reader, the Kindle makes reading easier.

Today class=”c14″>

Amazon is already in Mexico, Spain and Brazil and is known to still plans Colombia.

What other store can move this market?

Libranda which is a platform that brings together the leading publishers in the world Spanish. Next week (April 2013) come to Bogotá to negotiate with Colombian publishers for local books available on this platform worldwide.

Not a vicious circle that publishers focus on paper because there is less market for digital books and that lack of promotion no more digital reading devices

not vicious just because the digital issue is occurring and you have to wait for users to buy more devices that allow digital reading.

Children and young people are those who are already reading from digital and as they grow and become more massive digital book readers.

Why is it more important for digital reading devices (e-readers) that tablets

masifiquenIn a

iPad can read well but the screens remain bright and strain the eyes while a digital reader like Amazon Kindle, the letter is a simile of the paper and the same screen. Is designed specifically for reading.

Why is it so important to the arrival of Amazon?

In 2011, the market for books in Colombia moved 550,000 million and it is estimated that only 3 percent are digital books. United States is a leader in this segment and today 30 percent of the books sold are digital.

Amazon class=”c14″>

When you arrive and start selling Amazon Kindle, a massive competition becoming more and more digital book reader devices of different brands, prices and sizes.


What is the future of libraries?

Physical Bookseller

is transforming the print on demand model. If a client does not find a title you are looking for, we will send home printed within 3 days. The library acquires distribution rights of the titles, make high quality digital prints on demand, per customer’s request and sent home.

is a model in which local bind books and even digital printers who produce digital content to offer them printed.

Another embodiment

existing libraries is that card instead sold the book to the customer scrape for a code that allows you to download the eBook to your computer.

even come a day when people go to bookstores to your iPad for there to download the books you want to buy if you do not want to lose online.

This system already exists in Colombia

already being viewed. The Bookstore U has the representation of “Publidisa” a Spanish company that handles such alliances.

Colombian bookstores sell their own digital reading devices

probably going to happen. In the United States the largest bookstore “Barnes & Noble” has its own digital reader called “Nook” and compete directly with the Kindle and the Amazon store.

Just as today

chain stores sell own food brands, bookstores can send produce to China economic digital readers and put u own brand, for example.

Why are not as popular these readers in Colombia

Basically, for tax issues, may be more expensive than a computer or tablet. While basic computers and tablets are exempt from VAT, a digital reader must pay 10 percent import tariff plus 16 percent VAT.

How are you getting the iPad in Colombia for sale of books

platform is the most popular but there are still a few titles available. It is very possible that with books through music as the most important player is using Apple iTunes.

all depends on the contagion factor that generates the mass arrival of the Kindle with Amazon.

That does not jeopardize the continued publishing

No. The only difference is who negotiate. If today negotiate with libraries to distribute their books, they now do with Apple and Amazon.

The taxes and turnover are maintained, only thing is that the physical book is dematerialized.

option to directly publish books online, publishers worry?

This is a very good choice for writers who are not supported by an editor. The good thing is that sometimes the books are so good that publishers immediately contact these authors to represent and market their next works.

There are several cases like these or digital books by unknown authors that a publisher buys the rights to sell paper.

The novel “50 Shades of Grey” is the best example of a book that autoeditó online editor and then commercialized.

The arrival of Amazon will also be positive for Colombian authors found no publisher can sell their obrasen this platform.

Losers with this new technology then, are the printers?

Yes, but smart printers are other business opportunities that go beyond the books. A clear example is that Carvajal has focused on commercial printing.


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