Friday, January 30, 2015

YotaPhone 2 Is E-reader and Tablet Ready to Take On Kindle – PSFK (blog)

The first product to really put epaper in front of Consumers in a big way was the Amazon Kindle. First released in 2007, Most People Who do not own a Kindle still do not Understand why a Kindle and an iPad (or an ereader and a tablet) just are not the same thing at all.

The YotaPhone 2′s epaper side can display information Constantly at a fraction of the expense to your battery That the LED uses (like with a tablet). Also That will not display up on your face glow in low light obnoxiously situaciones either. It’s the sleeker, updated version of a phone we wrote acerca in 2012. The Android phone Also has an LED side, for When You want that functionality.

In other words, its a tablet on one side and ereader . on the other

Here’s the key updates from the first version to the YotaPhone 2:

  • a quad core processor
  • a 2 megapixel front- facing webcam
  • capacitative touch sensing on the rear epaper display (that is, it’s a touchscreen on Both surfaces)

It Also has a thinner body and sleeker lines.

A spokesperson for the company Told us the new phone, “works with a special functionality called YotaMirror. You can use any Android application on the Yota Always-On Display. . This includes everything from the MOST popular e-reading apps handler (such as Amazon Kindle) right-through to messaging apps “

 YOTAPHONE2 Seasonal Image 3.png So, if the YotaPhone popular Becomes, Consumers Might see it and finally start to Understand epaper and What Makes it different. It’s not perfect for every electronic application, but for displaying basic information and reading, it’s tough to beat. In fact, by building a true ereader into the one electronic device Almost everyone has, a mobile phone, it Could Be a bigger threat to the Kindle than the iPhone.

It will be a while before That fight is tested in the US market though. The spokesperson Said it is, “currently available in 20 markets, Predominantly in Europe. Availability for China and additional Asian markets will begin in Q1 2015 With USA, Canada & amp; Latin America availability coming soon after. “

In the UK, it sells for £ 555. Prices Should be competitive in the US With Other Android phones at the top of the market, According to the New York Times’s Bits

Images. YotaPhone Website, Creative Commons


Amazon’s new Workmail for enterprise: Another Fire dud – or a Kindle? – The Register

Amazon Web Services is touting a cloud-hosted email system to the world of big business.

The web giant Hopes to invade the enterprise email field with a web- based service called Workmail, and gobble up companies running Microsoft Exchange.

AWS Said The off-premises, cloud-based software will Provide email and shared calendars Desktop users can access it in a browser Either With or Outlook, while iOS and Android devices dedicated apps will Have to pull and send messages.

In Addition to Integrating With Outlook, the service will support Microsoft Active Directory. And AWS will offer migration tools for companies moving from on-premises servers.

Security is a bullet point in Amazon’s list of reasons to switch to Its New offering. Said Workmail AWS will integrate With The AWS Key Management service and the AWS Management Console. This will allow the administrators to enforce Security Policies and remotely wipe data from devices.

AWS Hopes That the crowded platform fills the gap Between on-premises Exchange and webmail services for ordinary people.

“Customers Have Repeatedly Asked us for a business email and calendaring service That is more cost-effective and simpler to manage than Their on-premises solution, more secure than the cloud-based offerings available today, and That is backed by the same best- in-class infrastructure platform on Which they’re running reliably so many of Their current (and future) workloads, “Argued AWS Compute Services vice president Peter De Santis.

AWS has set-up a site Where can users sign up for a preview of the service. We assume the bazaar web Hopes Workmail will not go the way of Fire Phone, Fire TV, and Wallet. On the other hand, the Kindles and cloud services are not doing bad. ®

Sponsored: 5 critical considerations for enterprise cloud backup


Thursday, January 29, 2015

Amazon Prime Membership Should Come With a Warning – TIME

Your browser, Internet Explorer 8 or below, is out of date. It has Known security flaws and May not display all features of esta and other websites.

Learn how to update your browser

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Tuesday, January 27, 2015

I love Kindle Unlimited – Boing Boing

If you like self-published fiction or read more than a few books a month, and do not mind giving up books when you ‘re done, Amazon’s borrowing service is a great deal.

When Kindle Unlimited was Announced, I was super-excited. I wanted to give it a few months, however it, so I Could share real user’s review. The service is wonderful.

Unlimited Kindle is Amazon’s $ 10-a-month e-reading subscription service. It’s Netflix for e-books. Slightly larger than competitive services Scrib’d or Oyster, Kindle Unlimited has more than 600k books to borrow, 10 at a time, for as long as you’d like. You do not keep the books, but you do keep notes you make while reading the novel after you return. They’ll be waiting if you check the book out again. This is separate from the many Concerns some people Have Regarding Amazon’s Ability to edit, change or “steal” books in your digital library and Applies to your notes / highlights, not the content.

This is wonderful-for me. I read books, I prefer to do it on my Kindle, and I read more than ten a month. A quick pass through Kindle Unlimited’s library led me to believe it houses plenty (while Certainly not everything) That I wanted to read. Classic novels, like many of Stanislaw Lem’s better Known works are in there. You will not find Lem’s awesome discourse on humanity, Summa Technologiae , though. I ended up with a hardcopy.

So, if you want a lot of Polish Science Fiction from the 70s, you’re covered. If you want more modern novels, you’ll find them in Unlimited as well. But current bestseller-the bread and butter of Amazon’s book business-will not be offered Preferred Until They are not current or best-selling anymore.

What I find absolutely wonderful acerca Kindle Unlimited, however it, is the thing so many early reviews hated. That fact much of the ITS inventory is by self-published, independent authors

I love folks sit down and share WHO Their Stories Because They are Compelled to. A few years ago They Were easy to find on Amazon as Kindle Singles , but at some point and the Amazon changed Singles That Became worthless, Stephen King novellas foisting off on me. During That period of time, the bulk of my reviews on Boing Boing of Science Fiction Were Purchased at used book stores. Those Kindle indie authors Unlimited offers a new venue to be found, and offers readers a low-risk way to try lots of Their work. I feel This should add some skepticism to the argument That Amazon hates publishers. Maybe They hate the big ones. But the indies, eleven again, have a new venue to be found.

Now, many of the books I review are self-published. Certainly, They LACK the polish of professionally-edited, big-publisher offerings, but I love them. I’ve heard a number of complaints acerca poorly-edited editions of indie novels, and if bad grammar and creative spelling bug you, Kindle Unlimited May not be for you. Of the 15 or 20 I check out in a month, though, several are good enough to recommend to you here on Boing Boing. Certainly there is a lot of great reading in Kindle Unlimited without the indie publishers, but it is some of the best content in there.

I’m not suggesting everyone needs Kindle Unlimited-the many discussions we’ve all had over Amazon, the Kindle, DRM and other problems With The company are What They are. Clearly, I do not think Amazon is going to steal my library or eat my pets. I’m an outlier. You are reading Boing Boing, though, so there is a good chance you are too. My $ 10 a month is well-spent.

(The links to Amazon in this post are affiliate links, too, Which help pay for our continued publication of this website. We appreciate you following them When you find an article helpful.)

Amazon’s Kindle Unlimited


Sunday, January 25, 2015

A Kindle of Kittens – PJ Media

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So it’s Book Plug Friday time (past time again, it’s Saturday, dammit! And this is Charlie btw. Sarah is Having connectivity problems. And if Peyton Manning HAD blocking like my Recent writer’s block, I would not have any needed neck surgery and the Broncos would be undefeated going into the Superbowl.)

(And insert some deflated ball jokes here, I got nothing.)

In any case, I ‘ve been thinking about the e-Book Revolution. You all Realize it’s only a few years old, right? I wrote a review of the first Kindle acerca only 6 years ago. And while we’ve had several generations of Kindles, We have not HAD what is real any progress in the capabilities of e-readers and Associated devices.

Well, it’s time. At this point, I’ve got Thousands of Kindle books in my library, and I Doubt I’ve got the biggest library. But when i look at my library on my Kindle, I’ve got three choices: I can list them what I read segĂșn Most Recently On That device , I can list them in alphabetical order by title, and I can list them in alphabetical order by author.

Then I can scroll-through Those lists. Good luck if I’m looking for books by Roger Zelazny – I can scroll for a long long time to get to the bottom of a long listing 3000 bool

I think it’s time for the next generation of current. thought about e-books and What Should be done.

To start with, we need better ways to manage lots our own collections. This ought to be easy: Amazon Already have keywords, reviews, and ISBNs as well as Their own numbers – not to mention the collaborative filtering algorithms That let them cluster books So They can make suggestions. . And if They Do not store Already Library of Congress and Dewey Decimal numbers for the books, I’m sure there are APIs That someone can let them access

Second, the e-book standards – and e -Book publishers – need to Provide Better typography. Computer and math books in particular, suffer, with math Being just about the worst – Often the only way to put complicated math into an ebook is by making an image of it. They mostly manage all right With European languages ​​- I’ve got books in German and French and Spanish That look perfectly reasonable, but the Chinese and Sanskrit does not make it at all. (My Esperanto books I listed are just the fannish usual incompetence, Esperanto does not use any characters French does not have.)

Aside: It’s not just the readers, though. Baen Books (sorry, Toni) here are my special annoyance. For some reason, Most Baen books are set-up in Such a Way That They Have a leeeetle tiny typeface on the Kindle. I just randomly picked Beyond This Horizon . At scale 7 it’s still uncomfortably small; MOST every other book at scale 7 100 words can barely fit on the screen. . C’mon, folks, esta was all Worked out by Ben Franklin’s time

This leads to a third point: better e-book apps. It’s not Instantly obvious to the reader, but all e-book apps are Basically the rendering part of a web browser: all the ebook standards are based on storing HTML With Some metadata , like a table of contents.

The fourth thing to eat, I think, is to be reliable to access all your notes in one collection. When I’m researching something, I end up resorting to handwritten notes, Because while I can make notes in the book, I can not remember Which book I made the notes in.

So that’s my wish list . What’s yours?


By JM Ney-Grimm

North-land spellcasters wield excessive power WHO transform into trolls. – Potent, twisted, and hungry for dominance

Prince Kellor, cursed by a troll witch to live as a north-bear, wrestles With The Challenges of a beast’s form. I Sees His childhood friend Elle as the key to His escape.

But charming Elle will be no easy task. That delicate Traversing Between adolescence and adulthood passage, she Struggles to balance family loyalty Against Her passion for music.

In This epic adventure across a stunning landscape, from cool pine forests to an icy pinnacle of basalt actual so it leaves you shivering, Elle and Kellor must summon essential wisdom and grit to prevail Against a troll-witch’s malice in a lethal battle of wills.

Fighting Against a pal nightmare beside fighting for a dream.


Perilous Chance
By JM Ney-Grimm

If only Mama Were well. If only Papa were. . . not like this.

Clary needs a miracle, but wonders rarely step forth to solve life’s problems. While her mother wearily lies abed and her papa Spends the day. . . elsewhere, Clary Struggles to look after her younger sister and Their baby brother. And longs for more than making do. If only.

Then, one spring morning, Clary and Elspeth visit the old bramble-grown quarry to pick wild cabbage leaves. Hidden Within the rock’s cleft, Clary’s miracle awaits. But esta miracle razor-sharp talons sports, world-shaking power, ravenous hunger, and a troll-witch to guard ITS sleep. When it cracks the egg, Clary will survive?

Something wondrous This Way eat!


Friday, January 23, 2015

Amazon launches Kindle Textbook, your tool for creating digital books –

Amazon, the giant Internet sales, is one of the world leaders in terms of book sales, thanks to its growing catalog digital books, or eBooks, and ease that gives users of its Kindle reading devices, which are not only fairly inexpensive, but also functional.

The company recently launched a new tool called Amazon Kindle Textbook Creator. The idea is that with it anyone can create their own digital textbook from a PDF file, and not only that, you can also put it on sale, outlined the Hypertext portal.

Kindle Textbook converts your texts from PDF to ePub, allowing sell directly to the Amazon Kindle Store (initially only in the US), something that certainly remember, and much, to when Apple launched its similar tool, iBooks Author, which allowed anyone to take their word format digital books and listing them on its own virtual store books and magazines.

Amazon will keep 30% of each sale of books sold through this system that have cost between 2.99 to $ 9.99, for those that cost less than $ 3 or more than $ 10, Amazon will stay with no less than 65%, a fairly high number.

Beyond the product itself, its nice to see how companies begin to put it more easy to younger authors to release their works directly, without intermediaries to market. .

Amazon Kindle Textbook can download from their official website Creator


Thursday, January 22, 2015

Amazon’s New Kindle Textbook Creator Takes A Different Approach From … – TechCrunch

Amazon has a new tool for STIs Kindle Direct Publishing authors, via a new KDP EDU wing of the same Aimed at educators and academic Institutions. It’s called the Kindle Textbook Creator, and it lets authors preparing electronic textbooks for students, for publication across Fire tablets, Android devices, iPhones and iPads, Macs and PCs. It’s kind of like iBooks Author for Apple and iTunes U, but it use PDFs of Existing texts as a starting point and offers over-the-top digital features for Kindle-based consumption.

Kindle Textbook Creator Seems designed for speed, and for working With The legacy textbook publishing industry, as Opposed to iBooks Author Which is more designed to help educators build digital-native experiences from scratch. Books built with Amazon’s new tool colored multi-offer highlighting for students, as well as built-in notebooks, flashcards for review, dictionaries, and of course multi-platform support, in Addition to translating the PDF version of Their document into something That Works on any reader.

The economics standard of KDP apply With The EDU new publishing arm, meaning authors royalties ranging up to 70 percent Depending on options, and keep monitoring of the rights related to earn Their content. KDP EDU titles are for eligible Also Kindle Unlimited and Kindle Owners’ Lending Library, as well as marketing features Including Amazon’s free book promotions.

The EDU Textbook Creator Seems fairly easy in Its current form, but Amazon says it will continue to add features as time goes on, so do not be surprised if tools for educators get a lot more sophisticated Eventually. For now, it’s a concession to the educational publishing industry legacy Also That Seems to want to Encourage more self-publishing Efforts by educational professionals and authors. Apple’s iBooks Author tool tries to convinces educators to go digital-first, while Amazon’s says bring whatever you’ve Already got to the table to help us expand our education market reach.


Facilitates Kindle publish textbooks – Terra Mexico

People could already publish their books in electronic format on Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) and now teachers can publish their books with a version of the platform called Kindle Textbook Creator, announced Thursday.

“is designed to help educators and authors to easily prepare, publish and promote e-textbooks and other educational content to students which is accessed across a wide spectrum of devices, including Fire, iPad, iPhone, Android smartphones and tablets, Mac and PC tablets.

The platform available is now being tested and can create PDF documents in books Kindle.

Some features have is the ability to highlight concepts, add images, make notes, create flashcards, dictionary link and read on any device, regardless of where you purchased.


Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Amazon offers India Rs 1000 discount on all Kindle e-readers – BGR India

Amazon India has Introduced to Rs 1,000 discount on all Kindle e-readers. These include the new Kindle, previous-generation Kindle, Kindle Paperwhite, and Kindle Paperwhite 3G variant.

The new Kindle, Which was Launched in India for Rs 5,999 last year, is now available on Amazon India for Rs 4,999. This is the same price at Which the previous-generation Kindle is retailing as well. While the e-readers Both are similarly priced, the new Kindle Boasts a touchscreen display, 20 percent faster processor Compared to the previous-generation Kindle and twice the amount of storage as well.

The Kindle Paperwhite variants too are available with a Rs 1,000 discount. The Wi-Fi only variant was Launched in India for Rs 10,999, but is now available for Rs 9,999. The 3G variant, on the other hand, is now available for Rs 12,999 Instead of the Rs 13,999 it was Launched at.

While Amazon’s Kindles are the popular choice Among buyers, there are Also alternatives available Including Kobo’s e -readers. They are however it a bit more expensive than Amazon’s offerings. The Kobo Touch N905-KBO-B 6-inch e-reader With An anti-glare display is priced at Rs 6,999, while the Kobo Glo N613-KBO-P 6-inch e-reader with a backlit display is priced at Rs 10,999 .


Saturday, January 17, 2015

Amazon Kindle Fire 7 “HDX vs. Amazon Kindle Fire 7 “HD Comparison: Price … – Latin Post

First Posted: Jan 16, 2015 5:45 PM EST

Here’s our breakdown of how the Amazon Kindle 7 ” HDX Stacks Up Against The Amazon Kindle 7 “HD.

Pros and Cons of the Amazon Kindle 7 “HDX:

First off, the Amazon Kindle 7 “HDX has a higher resolution display With better pixel density. It Also has a powerful quad-core processor. Double the amount of RAM, an extra 64GB model, and a later Android version Also give it additional advantages. Furthermore, it’s lighter Compared to the Kindle 7-inch HD.

The Amazon Kindle 7 “HDX does not really That May Have any to put it behind STI predecessor, save for Perhaps the price . The real only questions is: just how much better is it

Pros and Cons of the Amazon Kindle 7 “HD:

The Amazon Kindle 7 “HD does not seem to That Could Have any features give it an edge over the Kindle HDX. It matches the Kindle HDX With The same camera, but lags behind in all other features. It has half the RAM as the HDX and weighs 95g Almost more. Even the same-sized display is not as vivid. The 7 “HD does not have any any GSM feature, Which puts it far behind STI successor.

Specs :

The Amazon Kindle 7 “HDX has a 7-inch IPS LCD Display with 1200×1920-pixel resolution at 323ppi. It weighs 303 / 311g and Measures 9mm in thickness. It runs on Android Jelly Bean and customized 2.2-GHz quad-core Krait CPU 400. Other features include 2GB RAM, 1.3-MP camera and single storage configuration of 16GB, 32GB, and 64GB.

The Amazon Kindle 7 “HD has a 7-inch IPS LCD Display with 800×1280- pixel resolution at 216ppi. It is powered by custom Android 4.0 and runs on a 1.2-GHz dual-core Cortex A9 processor. It weighs 395g and Measures 10.3mm in thickness. Other features include 1GB RAM, 1.3-MP camera, and availability . in 16GB and 32GB storage Capacities

Talking Points:

The Amazon Kindle 7 “HDX was Announced in September 2013 and released in October the same year. Amazon later released a new larger 8.9-inch Wi-Fi model in November. The latest upgrade was released in September 2014. With an even faster CPU and GPU.

The Kindle Fire HD was unveiled as Either a 7-inch or 8.9-inch tablet in September 2012. The Fire 7 “HD was released in September 2013 with a more powerful CPU and customized Android OS

Prices .

The Kindle Fire 7 “16GB model starts HDX at a price of $ 179 on Amazon. . The Fire 7 “HD starts at a price of $ 114 on Amazon

Conclusion :

The Amazon Kindle Fire 7 “Clearly HDX is the better device Among the two. It has two times the RAM and Almost two times as powerful a CPU as in the 7 “HD. Besides, it has a 64GB model, Which is absent in the HD. THUS, the Kindle Fire 7″ HDX is the choice Easier Among the two tablets.

© 2015 Latin Post. All rights reserved. Do not reproduce without permission.


Thursday, January 15, 2015

Kindle vs Kindle vs Kindle Paperwhite Voyage – Best for you? – Expert Reviews

Amazon Kindle STI has revamped with a new budget range Kindle and a shiny top-end model called the Kindle Voyage joining the old Kindle Paperwhite. If you’re thinking acerca upgrading or are tempted to buy a Kindle for the first time we compare the three models to Explain what you get for your money.

Of course all three eBook readers Have access to the same Amazon store for books and other eReaders UNLIKE they’re not setup to buy books from elsewhere. Thankfully Amazon is still excellent Both in terms of Its range of titles and Its competitive pricing. If you’re an Amazon Prime member you can access the Kindle Also Owners’ Lending Library, Which lets you borrow one book a month from a catalog of 600,000 eBooks.

Also Amazon has Launched Family Library, Which lets you share your eBooks With your family. Essentially it lets you join two accounts together, so you can read each others books, plus you can add up to four childrens accounts to the pair of adults. You can now set-up a Family Library via the Amazon website see About Family Library, so you can use teh service with the vast majority of Kindle devices and apps. The new Kindle’s below Have the software built in so you can set-up a Family Library from the device.

With That covered let’s move on to the models in the current range.

The new Kindle budget

The new budget Kindle costs £ 59 or £ 69 if you want it without adverts Amazon or describe them as ‘special offers’). The standard Kindle gets a 6in touchscreen for the first time, as previous budget models relied on physical buttons to turn pages and a four-way Control at the bottom to navigate menus and options.

On the inside there’s a faster 1GHz processor , Although UNLESS you have any available very old Kindle model (three years or more) then it will be fast enough to handle the simplest task of turning pages and browsing menus . Storage has-been bumped from 2GB to 4GB but even 2GB is ample space to store Thousands of books. Battery life will be like at around Also two weeks per charge if you read for an hour a day.

If you bought a Kindle last three or more years ago and are tempted to upgrade then a the new Kindle is not worth the cash. The screen is not much better than the older models and it does not feel as nicely made as them either. If you’re looking for an upgrade, then look below.

The Kindle Paperwhite

The Kindle Paperwhite (109 pounds), Which We reviewed Earlier esta year, Remains unchanged . It has an excellent high-resolution display (212 pixels per inch) , finally making e-books look as good as actual books. The 6in screen Also has a backlight , so you can read in poorly lit rooms without straining your eyes. UNLIKE the Kindle budget Which is still the Wi-Fi only Kindle Paperwhite is available WITH 3G (169 pounds) so you can buy books anywhere in the world without Needing to find a Wi-Fi network.

It’s no longer the top model, with the Voyage below taking That spot, but this is the MOST Kindle That Should people buy, giving great features at a great price.

^ The Kindle Voyage (left) and Kindle Paperwhite (right) are similarly in many ways

The Kindle Voyage

Amazon’s new all-singing-all-dancing e-reader is the Kindle Voyage. The Wi-Fi only model costs £ 169 with the 3G version a whopping 229 pounds . So what do you get for the extra cash? As With The Kindle and Kindle Paperwhite budget the Voyage Also has a 6in touchscreen display , Although it crams in 300 pixels per inch so text is crisper. It is thinner and lighter than other Kindle models, but only just. You can turn pages by using the touchscreen or by squeezing the new ‘PagePress’ buttons on the side.

It Also has 4GB of storage and the like battery life as the Kindle Paperwhite . Amazon claims-the Paperwhite can last for eight weeks on a single charge based on half an hour of Reading with wireless off and backlight September at 10. By comparison the Voyage Apparently lasts up to six weeks under the same conditions.

Our favorite feature is the backlight That finally has an ambient light sensor, so it Automatically adjusts to the lighting conditions. We were amazed at how much difference this made, Especially as we rarely bothered to tweak the Paperwhite’s backlight manually except When reading in pitch black. If you read eBooks a lot then a the Voyage is worth the extra cash, but there’s really nothing wrong With The cheaper Paperwhite.

Which Kindle Should you buy?

The new budget Kindle is good value for people buying an e-reader for the first time but a pointless purchase for people Considering upgrading from any old Kindle. The Kindle Paperwhite is good value, has an excellent touchscreen with backlight and is a good upgrade option for people on Kindle old models. The Kindle Voyage is a refined version of the Paperwhite but you get your money’s worth if you’re a big eBook reader.

Or buy a Kobo

Other non-Kindle e-readers are available, Most notably Those from Kobo. The Kobo Glo (backlit touchscreen, £ 79.99) and Kobo Aura HD (high-resolution backlit touchscreen, £ 129.99) Both are excellent e-readers. The recently released Kobo Aura H2O (139.99 pounds) has the added bonus of Being waterproof, so you can drop it in the bath without destroying it


Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Amazon Kindle exec calls Hachette battle ‘rare’; downplays e-book subscription … – GeekWire

 Russ Grandinetti (Photo Credit:. The Kindle Chronicles) Russ Grandinetti (Photo Credit:. The Kindle Chronicles)

Amazon is Often Criticized for STIs tactics in the book publishing business, Whether it is trying to slash prices or distribute books in a new way.

The confrontational nature of the business was not lost on Amazon SVP Russ Grandinetti, lowest was Interviewed on stage today During Digital Book World, a three-day industry event in New York.

In Addressing the battle Hachette Book Group With over e-book prices, Grandinetti, lowest with previously has-been called The most influential person in publishing, Said The only surprising thing was how acerca de esta case the disagreement Became so public.

During Negotiations, Amazon removed “buy” buttons from some Hachette’s books and delayed shipments of some titles. Authors Were Were outraged and letters sent back-and-forth Between company executives.

Now with the dispute Between Amazon and Hachette Book Group Settled, and a multi-year agreement in place, Grandinetti Said Such public battles are “rare” and he looks forward to an era of “focusing on growing the business,” According to the AP.

One way for Amazon to grow STI book publishing business is by experimenting with New business models. One of Its Most recent Efforts include the roll-out of Kindle Unlimited, Which Allows customers to pay $ 10 a month to access a library of Thousands of book titles can be downloaded That for free.

Some authors unavailable Claimed the subscription service results in fewer sales, and say They dislike Having to Make Their e-books exclusive to Amazon in order to Participate. GigaOm reports in Original Concerns That Grandinetti dismissed, saying That the program is helping authors earnings Achieve That Have Doubled since the program’s launch in July.

“It’s Only been six months,” He Said. “More Approaches to publishing is pretty healthy … In every single digital media category, subscriptions are succeeding at some level,” and I does not expect books to be an exception.


Amazon Kindle Accessories Marks Down as Much as 78% for Today Only – TechnoBuffalo

Kindle powerfast International Charging Kit

Did you Receive a Kindle Fire or Fire tablet Phone over the holidays? You May want to check out Amazon’s accessory to make it out today That much better.

Amazon is running a one day sale on accessories for STIs phone, tablet and ereaders today, and there are some great offers. By far, the international charger is the best deal if you do any traveling out of your home country. And it includes a 5-foot charging cable as well making it an even better offer.

  • Amazon Kindle Fire HDX 7 “Zip Sleeve, Graphite (fits the Kindle Fire HD and HDX 7″) – $ 6.59 78% off
  • Amazon Kindle Fire HDX 7 “Zip Sleeve, Lime (fits the Kindle Fire HD and HDX 7″) – $ 9.96 67% off
  • Amazon Kindle 5W USB Power Adapter – $ 9.79 51% off
  • Amazon Kindle Fire 5ft USB to Micro-USB Cable (Works with MOST Micro-USB Tablets) – $ 6.99 30% off
  • AmazonBasics Capacitive Stylus for Touchscreen Devices – $ 6.99 53% off
  • E-Reader Verso Clip Light – $ 10.49, 30 % off
  • Fire Keyboard – $ 39.99, 33% off
  • HDMI Adapter for Amazon Fire Tablets (4th Generation ) – $ 13.99, 44% off
  • Kindle powerfast International Charging Kit (for accelerated charging in over 200 countries) – $ 17.49, 56% off
  • Belkin HDMI to HDMI Cable for FireTV and other HDMI-Enabled Devices (6 Feet / 1.8 Meters) – $ 8.99, 31 % off
  • Amazon Premium Headphones – $ 11.99, 52% off
  • MIXit Belkin Micro Car Charger + USB Cable Phone for Amazon Fire, Kindle and Kindle Fire all Models, 4 Feet – $ 13.99, 44% off

The deals end tonight at midnight Pacific time.

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