Tuesday, January 27, 2015

I love Kindle Unlimited – Boing Boing

If you like self-published fiction or read more than a few books a month, and do not mind giving up books when you ‘re done, Amazon’s borrowing service is a great deal.

When Kindle Unlimited was Announced, I was super-excited. I wanted to give it a few months, however it, so I Could share real user’s review. The service is wonderful.

Unlimited Kindle is Amazon’s $ 10-a-month e-reading subscription service. It’s Netflix for e-books. Slightly larger than competitive services Scrib’d or Oyster, Kindle Unlimited has more than 600k books to borrow, 10 at a time, for as long as you’d like. You do not keep the books, but you do keep notes you make while reading the novel after you return. They’ll be waiting if you check the book out again. This is separate from the many Concerns some people Have Regarding Amazon’s Ability to edit, change or “steal” books in your digital library and Applies to your notes / highlights, not the content.

This is wonderful-for me. I read books, I prefer to do it on my Kindle, and I read more than ten a month. A quick pass through Kindle Unlimited’s library led me to believe it houses plenty (while Certainly not everything) That I wanted to read. Classic novels, like many of Stanislaw Lem’s better Known works are in there. You will not find Lem’s awesome discourse on humanity, Summa Technologiae , though. I ended up with a hardcopy.

So, if you want a lot of Polish Science Fiction from the 70s, you’re covered. If you want more modern novels, you’ll find them in Unlimited as well. But current bestseller-the bread and butter of Amazon’s book business-will not be offered Preferred Until They are not current or best-selling anymore.

What I find absolutely wonderful acerca Kindle Unlimited, however it, is the thing so many early reviews hated. That fact much of the ITS inventory is by self-published, independent authors

I love folks sit down and share WHO Their Stories Because They are Compelled to. A few years ago They Were easy to find on Amazon as Kindle Singles , but at some point and the Amazon changed Singles That Became worthless, Stephen King novellas foisting off on me. During That period of time, the bulk of my reviews on Boing Boing of Science Fiction Were Purchased at used book stores. Those Kindle indie authors Unlimited offers a new venue to be found, and offers readers a low-risk way to try lots of Their work. I feel This should add some skepticism to the argument That Amazon hates publishers. Maybe They hate the big ones. But the indies, eleven again, have a new venue to be found.

Now, many of the books I review are self-published. Certainly, They LACK the polish of professionally-edited, big-publisher offerings, but I love them. I’ve heard a number of complaints acerca poorly-edited editions of indie novels, and if bad grammar and creative spelling bug you, Kindle Unlimited May not be for you. Of the 15 or 20 I check out in a month, though, several are good enough to recommend to you here on Boing Boing. Certainly there is a lot of great reading in Kindle Unlimited without the indie publishers, but it is some of the best content in there.

I’m not suggesting everyone needs Kindle Unlimited-the many discussions we’ve all had over Amazon, the Kindle, DRM and other problems With The company are What They are. Clearly, I do not think Amazon is going to steal my library or eat my pets. I’m an outlier. You are reading Boing Boing, though, so there is a good chance you are too. My $ 10 a month is well-spent.

(The links to Amazon in this post are affiliate links, too, Which help pay for our continued publication of this website. We appreciate you following them When you find an article helpful.)

Amazon’s Kindle Unlimited


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