Friday, March 27, 2015

Amazon Kindle For Reliability Highly Rated – Connecticut Watchdog

Rescuecom’s 2015 Computer Reliability Report Brings some interesting shifts Among the big names in computer and tablet manufacturers.

Most noteworthy in the 2015 report is the massive Amazon has Claimed lead over the competition. With a score higher reliability than the rest of the manufacturers combined, Amazon holds the top rank by an Enormous margin.

The manufacturer even surpassed well- known names in reliability like Apple and Samsung esta year-an impressive feat even if There Were only a small gap Between them

Amazon’s “A +” grade is due in large part to focusing on one product:.. the Kindle tablets

Both Samsung and Apple unavailable impressive reliability grades of “A-” for 2015. In fact, in Original long time contenders for the number one spot Almost tied in reliability score. Samsung managed to gain a narrow lead over Apple and the two companies will continue to race Surely for higher reliability in the coming year.

The full list of rankings, Explained in-depth in the 2015 Computer Reliability Report, is as Follows: Manufacturer

Amazon Reliability Grade A + A-

Apple Samsung Lenovo
A- B- B

Asus Dell C + Toshiba

Lenovo and Asus mark the middle ground With reliability grades of “B” and “B”, respectively. While in Original grades are respectable, They still have any available long way to go to reach Their top competidores. Often Toshiba holds a spot in the middle of the rankings as well but Rescuecom’ve seen a bit of an Increase in Toshiba users calling for computer repair in 2015.

Dell, Toshiba, and HP form the tail end. Interestingly, Dell has managed to pull ahead of Both Toshiba and HP esta year. This leap in ranking is significant for Dell, Which HAD Been alternating long with HP Towards the bottom of the reliability grades. Dell has a long way to go if the company Hopes to reach the top of the list, but even the top names will need to work hard to Maintain Their current rankings

About Rescuecom.
Rescuecom Provides comprehensive computer repair and support services, treats including tech support for all hardware and software, business technology services, data recovery and virus removal. Rescuecom Certified Level-3 Provide immediate computer support technicians-through our patented iProtector® and SYSTEM ONE® software at the click of a button. To learn more about Rescuecom’s products and services visit or call 1-800-RESCUE-PC (1-800-737-2837)
Full Computer Reliability Report 2015.
> The computer and tablet reliability scores are in for the 2015 Rescuecom Computer Reliability Report, bring bringing in some new names in the tablet market.
Most of the big names from previous reports Have Claimed once again on a spot in the rankings for 2015 , though several Have notably risen or fallen in reliability score. . Along With shifts in rankings Among the report’s regulars, there are a couple of newcomers making a splash in the tablet world esta year
The full reliability rankings for the 2015 Computer Reliability Report are as Follows:
Manufacturer US Computer / Tablet Market Share1, 3
(Percentage of Share computers shipped) Rescuecom Computer / Tablet Repair Share1, 2
(Percentage of service calls to 1-800-RESCUE-PC) Reliability SCORE1, 2
Reliability Grade
AMAZON 3.1% 0.1% 2523 A +
SAMSUNG 9% 1.9% 488 23.4% A-
APPLE A- 485 4.8% 4.7%
LENOVO 3.0% 157 B ASUS
3.6% 3.6% 99 10.6% B-
DELL 14.0% 75 C + 2.9%
TOSHIBA 4.1% 70 C
HP 14% 21.4% 66 D
1 – Computer repair and computer share Percentages reliability scores include tablets
. 2 – The computer reliability report does not include “other” manufacturers, defined as all manufacturers That Have below 1.0% market share
. 3 – Market share . numbers are provided by IDC

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