Friday, January 22, 2016

He expected a kindle … and received a tumor – Univision

When Potten, 37, opened the package, saying “patient tumor sample – in”. He said in an interview that was a shock.

FedEx reported the mistake of sending the Royal Free Hospital, waiting for the biopsy sample of the tumor for analyze it, and said he was sorry and that “they would revise future proceedings.”

The confusion arose because the sample had Potten name on the envelope, which would indicate that the string of misfortunes began in the first step of order processing, when the name and address of the recipient is entered in the computer.

The two -the Kindle orders and sample tumoral- shared tissue 8 numbers of “tracking number”.

The sample of the tumor did not represent a health risk to Patten, because cancer is a non-communicable disease, which means that no It is contagious. But in envelopes and through the mail they can travel hazardous agents.

In May 2015, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) launched an investigation after it became public that shipments of spores Anthrax-sent live to FedEx- had been released by the US Army’s Dugway Proving Ground in Utah. The received at least 18 laboratories in California, Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia and Wisconsin.

As explained by the CDC, were contacted by a private laboratory that reported the error.

“The lab is working with the Department of Defense in an effort to develop a new diagnostic to detect biological threats. They hoped sending inactive agents, but instead received a load of live spores of Anthrax” He said the federal public health agency in a statement.

was not the first time that human error was exposed and the fragility of the postal system. In June 2014, about 80 people were at risk when exposed to this bacteria when one of the laboratories at the CDC also sent samples by mistake.

In 2004, the CDC sent Anthrax samples mistakenly you to a children’s hospital in California. In 2001, five employees of the postal service died and 17 others fell ill after sending intentional Anthrax envelopes, in a case that is not yet closed


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