Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Kindle call treason – The Ecuador Republic

Carlos Arcos Cabrera
Quito, Ecuador

The story is this: I proposed read Don Quixote, from the first to the last page.

It was the second time in my life I took on this challenge. Between the first reading and the recent reading, I had approached me with Don Quixote what could be called a utilitarian spirit in search for specific topics. The first time I read it I did a complete edition of Publishing Alliance, in two volumes came in a cardboard box.

The second time resorted to an edition of Metro in charge Martin de Riquer, an expert on Cervantes, whose notes and explanations are helpful to the reader. The two parts of Don Quixote form a thick volume of 1,181 pages. Again, Don Quixote caught me with more intensity than the first time and read it with a strange lucidity, with fascination, and although it made me laugh to tears, I was surprised the hardness of the story. I reached Chapter XXXI of Part II and should travel. On the plane I looked for the book in my backpack and did not find it. I had left it at home. Few times I regretted both an oversight.

I arrived at my destination, the Guadalajara International Book Fair. And still there in the overwhelming supply of books and news-thousands and thousands of volumes on all issues imaginables- I did not forget Don Quixote. But no sense to buy another issue: not only had the suitcase crammed with books, but at home I expected Don Quixote

Then came Kindle.. Doubts came and went during the long discussion with the seller in the booth Kindle Amazon. I tried to refute each of his arguments: the feel of the paper in their hands, the ability to write notes and highlight a powerful phrase, those that express what could never be expressed, and so, to challenge the battery. I could not with his arguments and I was catching in its technological verbiage until I found the question I thought you and me would escape defeat, “Is there a version of Don Quixote in ebook?”. “Of course,” he replied in an instant and stood at least four editions. He did not have to tell me there was a promotion of kindle, bought the appliance and in the hotel, I resumed reading in Chapter XXXI of Part Two. Like the first time just could not handle the excitement of meeting Don Quixote.

I approached the end. Don Quixote had been defeated by the Knight of the White Moon in Barcelona and returns to La Mancha. The last dialogue with Sancho is revealing the radical change of character:

“Forgive me, friend, says Don Quixote to Sancho occasion I have given you mind freak like me, . making you fall into the error that I’ve fallen, and that there were no knights in the world “A few lines later says: Gentlemen – … – let’s go slowly, because in the nests of yesteryear no birds Hogan. I went crazy, and now I am sane: I was Don Quixote and now, as I said, Alonso Quijano the Good. You can with your worships my true repentance and go back to my estimation that was me … “

A dialogue full of symbols contained in my opinion the key to Don Quixote. The sudden Don Quixote’s sanity break of reason with the medieval and illusory world of knights-errant. It is also opening a gap in which the game unfolded Cervantes literary fiction, the novel, invented by him. Contains both a riddle that contradicts the relationship between madness and death. Sanity and death became the fate of modernity

In the illusory world of knights-errant in that elapses the work, despite being battered and railed, despite losing teeth have broken ribs and a surrounding halo of immortal Don Quixote and also lives a blameless interiority, a consciousness beyond good and evil. When retrieving the reason that halo disappears: sanity comes with death and the birth of a guilty conscience apologizing to be accepted back into society, as Alonso Quijano, The Well, a man of flesh and bone, a dying man.

Cervantes resigned to let Don Quixote dies in the law of his chivalrous delirium and chose to take it to bed fully sane death. In doing so, he opened modernity: the rule of reason, sanity, the guilty conscience. Paradoxically, at that moment Cervantes laid the roots of novelistic fiction, the only one in which the absence of guilt and in turn, the experience of all possible faults. It can be read on the beloved books of paper and ink or on the screen of an evanescent or kindle.

It was then that consumes my betrayal and searched the Exemplary Novels and learned the amazing life of Licentiate.


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