Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Kindle Oasis: The ‘e-reader’ who won a place in my bag – CNET in Spanish

of all, I notice something: I am a virgin of the e-readers . My only reference for comparison with these devices is either a book of sheets of paper or a tablet (which actually have never read a whole book).

That said, the above rule me or me perfectly qualified to analyze a e-reader . Because, in essence, the debate and the dilemma for many consumers when consider buying your first or your next e-reader is whether an e-book reader is comparable or better than a book of meat and bone -. or paper and bone

on the one hand, the advantage of a e-reader is that it can contain hundreds and thousands of books and magazines in one body other compact. And if this is what we care, then the Amazon Kindle Oasis is perfect. Not only has an ideal and adorable size, leaning a little on the charm and appeal of paperback books or collectibles such as Penguin Classics, it also offers a reading experience that does not deviate much from conventional book . And, with electronic ink and matte display illumination is as if we were reading a text on a sheet of paper.

However, for the nostalgic, who have the view back to back, and lists the tips of the fingers to feel the roughness of a page and ears fixed to the whisper of the leaves as they passed, for whom these aspects are an essential part of the reading experience, Kindle Oasis – and any other e-reader . – falls short

If we let these nostalgic ago tricks, a whole different world – but not both – and a new reading experience open front our eyes.

Kindle specifications Oasis


The Amazon Kindle Oasis, with a cover magnetic recharging, can be sustained with left hand or right.

Sarah Tew / CNET

But first, let’s take a look at the specifications.

  • has a thickness of 3.4mm at its thinnest part and weighs 4.6 ounces (about 130 grams).
  • it has 4GB of internal storage, which means that you can store thousands of books on the device.
  • it has a 1GHz processor.
  • it has a touch screen 6 inches with a resolution of 300dpi.
  • The front light was redesigned to result in 60 LEDs percent more than in the previous Kindles.
  • it has 3G connectivity and Wi-Fi capability, but the option that includes both costs from US $ 360. the only Wi-Fi version costs from US $ 290 .
  • Comes with a cover refill including that fits magnetically to Kindle Oasis.
  • the battery lasts two weeks, but holds up to nine if you put the cover and remove . Wi-Fi
  • the battery cover comes in three color options. black, red wine and brown and is included in the price
  • the Kindle Oasis comes with . cover and a USB 2.0 cable to recharge

e-ink touch screen



Sarah Tew / CNET

for someone accustomed to using devices with touch screens, and Kindle Oasis is, it takes a little time and patience to conform to the basic nature of the screen of the e-reader . my first touchscreen device has been a smartphone, then a tablet. and if, like me, that’s your benchmark, then, like me, will find much to be desired on the screen of Kindle Oasis which is less responsive, suffers from a delay when you give touches to specific icons (such as Home) and lacks the overall speed of touch screens phones and current tablets.

the navigation screen is simple, but not too intuitive for anyone who has ventured into the world of touch screens through a phone. that is, to go from page to page, you simply have to slide your finger to the left (to go to the next page) or right (to go to previous page). Moreover, the buttons found on the right side of the screen fulfill the function to go from page to page: the top one goes to the next while the bottom one goes to the previous

. but, keep in mind that the general slowness of the screen of the e-readers is the reality of electronic ink displays that have failed to progress in response speed of LCD screens ; on the other hand, this is perhaps the sacrifice that we must take to enjoy a screen that looks like a sheet of paper.

Reading style Kindle Oasis

To my experience Kindle Oasis I decided to go down three books Kindle Amazon library: Gone Girl (an indulgence), bare dogs (our partner Antonio Ruiz Camacho) and the interpreter of anachronism (from our editor Patricia Puentes social networking).

the Kindle Oasis you have the ability to manipulate the text size. All you have to do is pinch the screen, and then a row of letters to appear in different sizes. Choose the one that best suits what you want and change the text size.


underline a passage from the novel ‘Gone Girl’ by Gillian Flynn on Kindle Oasis.

Patricia Bridges / CNET in Spanish

his brothers line, Kindle Oasis allows you to look up the meaning of words by selecting a term pressing long way. Almost immediately, a window appears with a definition of the Dictionary of the Spanish Language. in the same way, if you find a phrase worthy of remembering and sharing among friends bibliophiles, you can do the same: to select the text press and hold, a horizontal panel under the word or phrase that has the Underline, Note items (for notes), sharing, a magnifying glass appears and the icon of the three points (which gives more options as notifying that there is an error in the book). If you give share, the event will be shared either through Facebook, Twitter and Goodreads.

for my part, I choose to emphasize the first prayers of bestseller Gillian Flynn, one of the entries most recently intrigued me.

And barefoot dogs decide – to expand my vocabulary Mexican. – find the meaning of “dudes” (which, according to the dictionary, means foolish person)



What does”? I ask the dictionary Kindle Oasis.

Patricia Bridges / CNET in Spanish

The interpreter anachronism , Kindle tells me that the author is a chocoholic in the window that greets me when I open the book



the author of this book (and this photo) is addicted to chocolate, she says author data on the Kindle Oasis.

Patricia Bridges / CNET Spanish

One of the main attractions of Kindle Oasis is its size (it weighs 4.6 ounces; 130 grams). which resembles a paperback book is the first Kindle comes with a cover that is also ., a battery does last for up to nine weeks the cover comes in three colors. black, brown and red wine may be my penchant for preciousness, but he would find more charm to this e-reader if the cover design should appeal more to the aesthetics of paperback, with floral prints or paintings, with a nice retro touch.

As a paperback, Kindle Oasis is easy to carry anywhere, especially if you are well protected in a bag. it feels comfortable in the hand with plastic polymer body and a small hump on the back that houses their small bowels. You can argue with equal comfort both left hand and right, and the page will rotate depending on the direction that you hold the reader with an integrated accelerometer.

One drawback of the Kindle Oasis, and any Kindle in this regard, is that it is not waterproof. Not that it is fond of reading in the bathtub or pool, but the prospect does not bother me. And with Oasis as part of its name, this leads consumers to evoke just that: an oasis, a place with a body of water, a vacation relaxing and reading at the beach or poolside

<. h2> the price of Kindle Oasis

e-reader , which our expert CNET’s David Carnoy termed as the best e-book reader that exists in the market, makes you honor this rating with a price: from US $ 290. The version with Wi-Fi + 3G is still more expensive: from US $ 359

for this price, as indicated Carnoy, you can buy a tablet. iPad Mini 2 or five tablets Fire Amazon entry version, “they do much more than display text in black and white.”

First printing

The Kindle Oasis undeniably has its charm. His appearance paperback, its cover reload that makes it last longer than nine weeks (without Wi-Fi) and promise literally have thousands of books at the fingertips, they only have to hold a few grams weight, they are more than tempting

But the eternal question – especially for bibliophiles old-fashioned reluctant to peel off the paper – it is. what is better, a e-reader (in this case, Kindle Oasis) or a book? The answer is not simple, especially after testing the Oasis. It is so tempting to get carried away by the convenience representing the Oasis, and the fact that its electronic ink display, although limited in speed, is as close to a road book that can become a device. For this alone I almost change sides.

But “almost” is the keyword. And in “almost” also fit other buts, as the price of US $ 290 for the base version (high considering that already enters the range of the cost of some tablets that do much more than let you read books), is not resistant water (which contradicts some of what tries to refer the name “Oasis”), despite providing all the benefits of hyper (the ability to look up the meaning of a word right there on the Kindle, sharing passages you like social networks), will always be absent on that factor as essential to some. sensory experience that provides a book of paper sheets

for my part, I can say this: while the Kindle Oasis has not convinced me to abandon paper books, nor rule out, because the e-readers and books are not mutually exclusive. The Oasis has earned a place in my bag (of course, if this bag also I have about $ 300 more), next to a copy of The Invention of Love of José Ovejero. Now that’s having the best of both worlds.


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