Saturday, June 29, 2013

The advantages of digital book publishing in twelve hours -

Pilar Martin ., Madrid, EFE December 1, 2011 Spain saw Amazon launched its digital publishing platform, Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP). After a year and a half, the vice president of this service, American Nader Kabbani, has described as “very positive” evolution in our country.

Kabbani, who is in Spain to finalize the release of new tools in this book publishing service, has had this positive test is due, among other reasons, data as seven of the ten best read from opening in September 2011, are authors of KDP.

“I feel very fortunate to have opened this platform in Spain, because not only is a great opportunity for the authors, but also for readers. not just about making life easier for authors who intend to write but readers will access more and more content at a reasonable price, “said Kabbani.

publish a work on this platform only a matter of twelve hours regardless of the language in which it is written.

In those twelve hours different departments of the U.S. company are in place to detect cases of “plagiarism”, contents are restricted by law, or “roll back” books full of errors, misspellings or poor quality, a fact alleged by the readers themselves.

vice president of the KDP Spain “reminds” the United States does “five or ten years” because at this time in his country also had “many undiscovered books.”

“In the U.S. we were very fortunate, because the recognition of KDP was from the hand of those authors who managed to reach the so-called ‘Club of million downloads’-has expressed, and that generated a lot of brand recognition. yet is happening in Spain, but the evolution that we’re having here hope to get it soon. “

Kabbani, the fact of having the backing of, shop “online” world’s largest, is an “advantage” that gives you peace of mind not to notice what they are doing “competitors” .

One of the most valuable offers that the U.S. gives to the KDP is the possibility that the book is published in a “global” and a “multiplatform”.

“The work of an author is to create content, and the work of Amazon is that it is available on different platforms, not only digitally, but also on paper, because you can print a copy on demand, and this also helps the environment “reported, while in Europe has realized that Amazon has printers in Germany and the UK.

For these reasons, as well as economic, since the author takes 70% of revenue for the work, Kabbani said that “it is a matter of educating the author regarding the advantages”

“If those are successful authors and paper, you help them to be successful in digital: all advantages, it is simply a matter of educating them more,” he remarked.


readers is also launching an author to stardom, though, for the moment, that the KDP is discovered quality new author “it’s complicated”. Kindle Store has more than 1.7 million books, with one of the most comprehensive catalogs of books in Spanish (60,000 titles). In addition, readers can enjoy around 1,500 free classics, and the largest selection of titles in Catalan, Basque and Galician.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Eva Payne of Project Kindle - A Santa Clarita Unsung Hero - KHTS Radio

Mercedes-Benz of Valencia banner

Summer Camps and Year-Round Programs ‘Lighting a Fire of Change’ on Behalf of Special-Needs Kids

Eva Payne, executive director of Project Kindle By Stephen K. Peeples

Eva Payne , Project Kindle Executive Director, Santa Clarita resident and mother of six, is the latest Santa Clarita KHTS Unsung Hero presented by Mercedes-Benz of Valencia .

As founder and executive director of the nonprofit Project Kindle in 1998 When She was still in college, Payne has devoted much of her adult life to helping teens and young adults Who Have serious illnesses, disabilities, special needs and other life challenges.

What is Project


Provides Project Kindle

camping programs, year-round support and advocacy, recreational experiences and peer-based HIV / AIDS education for special-needs teens and young adults ages 12 to 24.

Camp Kindle

campers and Their Families pay nothing. The Donors who support the 501 (c) 3 organization’s fundraising and grants Payne Efforts Applies for cover the costs.

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Project Kindle - Lighting a Fire of Change Operating on a $ 400,000 annual budget overall, Project Kindle now serves more than 5,000 young people each year nationwide, treats including more than 100 in the Santa Clarita Valley.

Central to Project Kindle

are its two summer camps, Camp Kindle Nebraska , near Lincoln, and Camp Kindle Santa Clarita , Both Attended by campers from all over the country. The camps’ outdoors environment and tailored programs run by well-trained staff That Provide Further activities enrich and Enhance the experience for the kids.

Project Kindle’s additional programs include the Kindle Ranch Day Camp at the Placerita Canyon Nature Center, que wrapped up June 20. More than 25 Santa Clarita Valley kids ages 5-12 Most with various forms of autism, Attended the week-long day camp and enjoyed learning experiences designed just for them.

Watch the Video and Listen to the Podcast of the Complete Interview with Eva Payne of Project Kindle, a Santa Clarita KHTS
Unsung Hero

“Our focus was math, science, music and art,” she said. “In That program, we had lots of different activities. Because a lot of our kids are dealing with Autism, all of the activities were very short, 20-minute intervals of various activities through Those different subjects. A typical day was, ‘Go! Go! Go! ‘So we moved from one (activity) to the next, and They Were fun. You Might Think, ‘Science? What are you doing there? ‘But we had really fun, interactive Erin That kid activities, our programs coordinator developed.

In the weeks before camp started, Payne said, “Erin actually went out and visited every single family and did an intake to see what works best with These Kids. So, we developed our program around the needs of our campers. “

Kindle Project Founder

Knew She Wanted to Make a Difference

Camp Kindle campers and counselors Payne, who grew up in Westlake Village, founded Project Kindle and the first Kindle Project summer camp 15 years ago while she was a student at the University of Nebraska.

“I Always Knew I wanted to make a difference,” Payne Told AM 1220 afternoon air personality Jason Endicott in an on-air interview June 17. “I thought I was going to go into broadcasting or educational theater, and I read a play acerca a boy who was impacted by HIV and it just really sang true to my heart. I thought, ‘I do not really know anyone (with HIV),’ but (I) That was particularly drawn Toward cause. “


Payne said she grew up going to summer camps, and later got a job at a Radio station where management allowed her the time off to keep up the tradition. For a while.

“I had been there for four years Already, And They gave me a spot on the morning show, and so I could not go back to camp That Summer,” she said. “I was so sad. I had this great job, but I was so sad That I was not singing camp songs and hanging out with kids.

“So this notion of starting a camp for kids impacted by HIV or AIDS popped into my head,” she said. “It took a year, I planned it, and then the Following summer, we Executed it in Nebraska. This year (2013) is our 15 th That special summer program running. “

Payne Family Moves to Santa Clarita Valley, Eva Project Kindle Opens West

Payne Project Kindle opened the West summer camp in Santa Clarita in 2005, a year after she and her family moved back to California, relocating to the Treasure Valley area of ??the Santa Clarita Valley.

Camp Kindle camper rides a zip line. Today, based in Santa Clarita, Payne masterfully directs Both the original Project Project Kindle Kindle Midwest and West while raising her own kids – one girl, 13, and five boys ages 9, 7, 5 and 2-year-old twins.

On top of being a wife, mom and nonprofit ED, Payne is a student. She is studying for her Master’s in Leadership and Management at LaVerne University through the University Center at College of the Canyons in Valencia.

RELATED: Read all of Santa Clarita KHTS’s Unsung Heroes features Brought to you by Mercedes-Benz of Valencia.

Payne has a kindred spirit and avid supporter in her soul mate – her husband Chad, a Santa Clarita-based sales rep for WAXIE Sanitary Supply. Eva and Chad Have Been sweethearts since sixth grade, and Exchanged vows in 1999.

He’s very involved in. Project Kindle. “I Helps in many Capacities, treats including archery instructor, lifeguard, travel coordinator, campfire leader and more,” she said. “I could not do it without him – with our kids, With our organization. He works full-time in sales so you have a little bit of a soft schedule. “

Knowing how to delegate is a leadership skill Payne Already has.

“I’m a really good delegator, so I’m the one who comes up with a lot of ideas, and I find really amazing people to help execute These programs,” she said. “So, I’m not the one actually sitting there making all of it happen. I just find really good people to help make it happen, and I just deal With The fundraising side of it more than anything else. “

Kindle Payne Project Runs for the Kids, Not the Kudos

Now, to be accurate, is not completely unsung Payne for her work on Behalf of special-needs young people. She’s been a finalist in the Volvo for Life Awards, honored by L’Oreal Paris as a 2007 Woman of Worth nominee, Recognized by the Los Angeles Business Journal, and profiled in DirecTV’s “Hometown Heroes” series.

But in true spirit Unsung Hero Santa Clarita, Payne does not seek accolades: such as Those – or the recognition from KHTS and Mercedes-Benz of Valencia, for that matter. She does what she does for the kids, not the kudos. The best moments for Payne come at the end of a session like last week’s Kindle Day Camp.

“I think The most fulfilling thing is getting to see … what happens on that last day of camp or When We Leave That program and move on to the next program,” she said. “When everyone (first arrives), it’s, ‘Where do I go? What do I do? ‘And by the end, they’ve Become family. That’s really the best part. “

Encouraged Payne KHTS

listeners (and website visitors and YouTube channel viewers) to find out more about Project Kindle and ways to help by visiting, or calling 877-800-CAMP (2267). You can also check the out the Project Kindle YouTube channel.

“Just reach out to us and we’ll find a good fit for you,” she said.

Photos: Courtesy Project Kindle.

Watch the Video and Listen to the Podcast

Watch the complete interview and learn more about this Santa Clarita KHTS Unsung Hero’s good deeds. Also You can hear and download the audio podcast.

Mercedes-Benz of Valencia Santa Clarita’s Salutes Unsung Heroes

Mercedes-Benz of Valencia is proud to be part of the Santa Clarita Valley, not only giving you the superior customer service you deserve, But Also giving back to our community by supporting our schools, sports teams, Sheriff’s Station and nonprofit organizations. Now, Mercedes-Benz of Valencia and KHTS have teamed up to present “Santa Clarita’s Unsung Heroes,” a series of special features spotlighting the local residents who make a difference in our valley. Also comes with new Contributions as a new Mercedes management team. Visit Mercedes-Benz of Valencia today.

Article: Eva Payne of Project Kindle – A Santa Clarita Unsung Hero
Source: Santa Clarita News
Author: Stephen Peeples


Posted June 28, 2013 13:18:06 UTC

The newest volume of “The Hacker Digest” is now out and available in digital formats more than ever. As always, info we have the Kindle version along With The PDF. But now, we’ve Also added the EPUB format, que basically Allows people to copy the publication into almost any other e-reader format – all DRM-free.

“The Hacker Digest” is a compendium of articles from Volume 29 of 2600 Magazine, rearranged in book form and totaling nearly 300 pages of materials.

The Kindle, Nook, and EPUB versions are great for anyone who wants the text of all of the articles put onto Their devices for easy and legible reading. The PDF version works on a variety of platforms and Resembles the printed version of the magazine, with a number of layout changes and expanded features. All versions Contain Along with enhanced graphics cover pages (unobscured by print or barcodes), to full payphone photo spread in the middle, and a collection of all of the back cover photos.

2600 Continues to expand into new digital territory. We Hope That by adding the EPUB format, we’ll be making this digest accessible to more people than ever. If we get a strong response, we’ll continue to support this and other platforms. Our Popularity on the Kindle Continues to surprise Those Who Believe That strict controls and DRM are the only way to be successful in the publishing world. Our readers have Demonstrated That this is not true and Their support has moved us ahead of best sellers like Newsweek, PCWorld, and National Geographic. With your support, we will continue to help move the digital publishing world into an open and positive environment.

Kindle and Nook Volume 29

Volume 29 PDF

EBOOK Volume 29

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Worlds Kindle Store Opens - Publishers Weekly

PW has integrated its print and digital subscriptions, offering exciting new benefits to subscribers, who are now Entitled to Both the print edition and the digital editions of PW (online or via our app). For instructions on how to set-up your accout for digital access, click here. For more information, click here.

The part of the site you are trying to access is now available to subscribers only. Subscribers: to set-up your digital subscription With The new system (If You Have not Already done so), click here. To subscribe, click here. Email with questions.

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    Wednesday, June 26, 2013

    Far from Kindle - Go Cuba

    chat I want to read a book, smell the pages and fill the index of saliva for each jump. I want to take a nap with my mother, to leather (with) my friends and play football with the neighborhood chamas. I want to load the tank water, bathe with an ice cube in the morning and drink milk with jam, sour orange with brown sugar or beer (a glass weight) tomato puree.

    I see a number of Spanish and crap laugh, I write every post that I have repressed. I want a masajeeeeeeeeee!

    I want to go away where no coverage or * 222 #, and the em onths, or ebook, or special morning or custom odd jobs, but a rainbow a red sunset or a few figures made of clouds.

    I want my nephew tickle, hug my father and my brother and dawn talk wayyyy Daicar speaking or praying the rosary with Estela Isabel. I want to be far from the fools.

    I want to call the little Beatrice to shoot me four or five monosyllables and I want his sister Claudia lie to me again, saying that I did not want “to outer space “(although the twinkle in his eyes say otherwise).

    I want to go live on the radio and feel that tachycardia. I want to tune to a TV channel and two stations at once to give journalism pooch Cuban sounds disturb the house. I want there and pa pa the dial here, all I want.

    I want to make jokes, winning a standing, “update Kasperky” and smell the fried plantains. I want to tell baseball in my living room or in silence, sitting on the edge of third.

    I want to wake embraced you, read you poems Nogueras, Sabines, Serrat, Gelman and Benny sing boleros.

    I definitely want to be with others, you and me, lots of “things analog.”

    Tuesday, June 25, 2013

    Amazon Kindle Fire HD 8.9 - MuyComputer

    01Amazon Kindle Kindle Fire HD 8.9

    In his day

    analyze the Amazon Kindle Fire HD with 7 inch , which certainly can be considered the “little brother” of the Amazon Kindle Fire screen HD 8 9 inches , and not just for the obvious difference in size (23.9 x 16.3 x 0.9 cm vs 19.3 x 13.7 x 1.03 cm) and weight (567 grams compared to 395 grams), also by the quality of display (1,920 x 1,200 up on Fire HD 1080p 8.9-inch 1,280 x 800 to 720p in HD Fire 7-inch) and the processor (dual core 1, 5GHz front OMAP 4470 dual core 1.2GHz OMAP 4460).

    As we say, and we had the chance to thoroughly test the Kindle Fire 7-inch HD, a tablet from which we liked a lot of details, but nevertheless suffered from what we do not hesitate to call “closed ecosystem”.

    why we say that about a tablet that theory is based on a version of Android and just this operating system can be anything but closed. Because precisely is a “version” that makes the Kindle Fire a tablet HD designed by and for Amazon .

    02Amazon Kindle Kindle Fire HD 8.9


    The same happens with the Kindle Fire HD 8.9. Amazon has created a software layer on top of Android in order to consume content, but “for tastes there are colors” in our opinion is very well made and serves its purpose perfectly.

    different interface

    At this point I have to admit that I am a regular user (as usual I use daily) iPad and that the interfaces of the two devices are totally different, so it took a little getting used to the proposal of Amazon , focused entirely on content consumption , such as books, music, videos, photos, documents and more we use the apps.

    After the first moments of the “learning curve”, which really are not problematic, I soon discovered that sliding your finger across the top accessed icons “Unlocked”, “Volume”, “Brightness”, ” Connections “,” Sync “, and the” More … “which basically gives access to all the device configuration.

    The next thing to know is that whenever we go to a particular menu in the bottom left you will see the icon of a house that will take us to the home screen, but we also have an arrow to go back , a magnifying glass for searching, a star to add apps, books, websites, etc.. our favorites as well as another icon right in the middle, depending on the display settings offer different options.

    Finally, we have the home screen, where parade before us (simply sliding your finger from side to side) the content we’ve been seeing. We refer to photos, apps, books, websites, etc.. Of course, if we get tired of seeing certain content on the home screen, simply by clicking on them a little more than one second we will get a menu to remove the carousel.

    03Amazon Kindle Kindle Fire HD 8.9


    Amazon app store

    Despite being an Android tablet, can not access Google Play (this is not entirely accurate because there are other methods, but are not available to the general public and invalidate the warranty, the daring want just look in Google).

    everything about applications is the Amazon app store , where we find apps games, magazines, books and comics, cooking, sports, economics and finance, education, life style , photography, navigation, productivity, social networking, health and fitness, tone, time, travel and tourism …., both pay and free .


    control justifies the app store because it offers the guarantee that all the apps you will find it run smoothly on the Kindle Fire 8.9 inch HD, including games and other apps reproduction rate video that are more demanding in terms of the internal components of tablet turn.

    each passing day there are more apps in the Amazon store and we have not missed the typical app without it, it makes sense to have a tablet. Sure there will be readers who will say that no such app they want nothing to Kindle Fire HD, but not our case. And the best part is that most of the time Amazon considers complaints from users and if requests by “popular acclamation” are incorporated quickly.

    04Amazon Kindle Kindle Fire HD 8.9

    The class=”c5″>

    Amazon Cloud Drive

    Another important detail of how to work with the tablet is Amazon Cloud Drive service, which integrates seamlessly with the operating system. And for the record before this tablet have already hired a score of 100 Gbytes because its price had convinced me over other options such as Dropbox, Google Drive or SkyDrive.


    gives 5 Gbytes on Cloud Drive , but the extension is quite economical: 20 GB for 8 euros per year, 50 GB for 20 euros per year, 100 GB for 40 euros per year, 200 GB for 80 euros per year, 500GB for 200 euros per year and 1 TB for 400 euros a year.

    Anyway, here we are back to “closed ecosystem” because it’s “yes or yes” Cloud Drive, forget the aforementioned Dropbox, Google Drive or SkyDrive.

    05Amazon Kindle Kindle Fire HD 8.9


    06Amazon Kindle Kindle Fire HD 8.9

    Left buttons raise and lower the volume and to the right 3.5mm jack “click” headphones.

    07Amazon Kindle Kindle Fire HD 8.9



    will see that I have not been much emphasis on the technological features of the Amazon Kindle Fire HD 8.9, and is so because in the data sheet accompanying the analysis are the main ones. And if you want to know more, Amazon itself has a very detailed page. That said, I give my personal assessment.

    To begin, confirm what has been said, that the Kindle Fire HD 8.9 is for “very coffee” from Amazon, and I recognize that my case. I told you that I have a score of 100 GB in Cloud Drive, but also bought many things through your website, I have a Kindle Paperwhite, I declare myself a fan of the business philosophy of Jeff Bezos (CEO and founder of Amazon) and I also think that their products and services are very careful.

    latter is the feeling that has caused me the Kindle Fire HD 8.9 for the two months that I’ve been using, which is a well made product. While remaining true to my iPad, I have combined perfectly with the Amazon tablet, benefits of spending much time on public transport

    Of course, I found details as to improve the power and volume buttons are easy to operate and is very easy to press wrong either. It also has no GPS, no option to choose a version with 3G card, there is only the WiFi model (yes, with double antenna, which is seen in the wireless coverage) and only has a front camera for video conferencing . Perhaps the worst thing for me has been the lack of apps Google , ie no client and no Gmail app Google Maps, for example.

    However, the quality of the screen I was excited (and why my main is an iPad tablet last batch), the audio outperforms most competing models, its micro-HDMI output allows me to watch videos and photos on my TV, and the prices are very attractive.

    Speaking of prices, saying that the 16 GB model sells for 269 euros and the 32 GB for $ 299, but with the option of special offers. This from the “specials” is you get advertising on Kindle accessories, books, apps, games, music and more. screensaver as both the bottom of the home screen. If you want to stop receiving these offers, just pay 15 euros once you’ve registered the device. Naturally, the price of the Kindle Fire HD 8.9 with nothing advertising is 284 euros the 16 GB and 314 euros the 32 GB .

    Tech Review | Here come the Kindles - Livemint, live for just under a month, has officially Begun selling its Android-based tablets and e-book readers in India

    class=”display_n_media”> First Published: Tue, June 25, 2013. August 00 PM IST

    After id=”U191377655905VNF”> c9″
    The first thing you notice about the Paperwhite is how small the device is. It’s not much bigger than most phablets, and it’s incredibly convenient to carry around. Once you switch it on, the e-ink screen will impress You With how sharp and clear everything looks.

    Sign in with your Amazon ID (or create one if you have not Already) and all the books and magazines You have saved will show up on a cloud menu, and can be downloaded with single taps. If you’ve saved a lot of PDF files and Word documents, then those are Also easy to get, and the Kindle is definitely one of the best choices for proofreading Because, Unlike a tablet, there’s very little eye strain With An e-ink screen.

    The Paperwhite is so called Because of changes to the screen, it’s still easy on the eyes, but comes with a Light That can be adjusted Easily With An on-screen control. With older Kindles, reading in dim light is Difficult, the Paperwhite has no such issues. On the other hand, the e-ink Remains incredibly clear; reading a sample issue of Lone Wolf And Cub on the Paperwhite felt more like reading it in print than on a tablet.

    With medium levels of brightness, the Paperwhite battery is supposed to last eight weeks When used for half an hour every day, in one week, It certainly Seemed like a believable claim. The sleek design of the Paperwhite is stunning as well, and if you’re an avid reader, then owning one is a must.

    Price: c13″> Rs. 13,999 (3G)

    Kindle Fire HD 8.9-inch tablet

    The Fire is a good-looking, wide-screen tablet, and the 1,920 x1, 200 display on the 8.9-inch screen is sure to win over a lot of people. Amazon’s roots lie in books, and reading is a particularly good experience on the device, Whether you’re using the browser or reading books or magazines.

    The Fire uses a dual-core 1.5 Ghz CPU and has 1 GB of RAM, and again, while These are not the best specs on the market any more, Amazon has been Able to get a great deal of performance out of them . It does away with a rear camera and Gives you only a front-facing camera for Skype, and has a battery life of around 7 hours of use, que includes gaming and watching movies, web browsing and reading.

    What’s really remarkable, of course, is the interface. Instead of the Android grid, you get a carousel showing the books, games, music and movies you last accessed, so Easily you can pick up from where you left off. The prioritization of content over apps makes it Easier for Amazon to sell you things, but it makes the tablet much Also Easier to use. Also Amazon has a service called FreeTime, que is another great idea, it lets you set-up guest or children’s profiles so That people other than you can use the tablet without having access to your data.

    That said, Amazon’s greatest strength Also Becomes a weakness here, while books, magazines and apps are populated with things to explore from the moment you start the tablet, music and movies are empty, and you can transfer your Personal Either content using your computer or wait for Amazon to get involved in. Those categories in India. The company has Stated in interviews Earlier That It Intends to bring all the Amazon products to India, treats including music, TV shows and movies, eleven this happens, the Kindle Fire will be your entertainment hub Easily. As it is, it is Already One of the most polished and interesting Takes on Android yet.

    There are some shortcomings

    With The tablet’s design too. The power button is fully in line With The body of the device and does not stick out, making it hard to find and press. This is a button you will Have to use faq frequently, so it’s a little surprising That These issues it has.

    Given the slightly steep price tag for the Kindle Fire HD 8.9-inch tablet, there are definitely other options That give you a more powerful machine for less, but this is a simple, easy-to-use machine That has an excellent screen and premium design with just a few drawbacks, so it’s definitely worth considering.

    Price: c13″> Rs. 25,999 (32 GB)

    class=”display_n_media”> First Published: Tue, June 25, 2013. August 00 PM IST

    Saturday, June 22, 2013

    Amazon's Kindle Just Got More Exciting Worlds - Motley Fool

    Well, that was fast. Less than a month ago, ( NASDAQ: AMZN ) Kindle Launched officially Worlds, calling it “the first commercial publishing That platform will enable any writer to create fan fiction based on a range of original stories and characters and earn royalties for doing so. “

    But while the service

    aspiring writers gave the rights to create fan fiction based on only three books from Warner Brothers Television Group’s Alloy Entertainment – Namely Gossip Girl , Pretty Little Liars , and Vampire Diaries – I Noted at The Time That Also Amazon had promised “plans to announce more licenses soon.”

    A Valiant effort
    Now, Amazon just Announced it has secured the rights to a decidedly more action-oriented genre, with Content from comic-book publisher Valiant Entertainment.

    Of course, I did mention last month That the holy grail of licensing deals would ideally Involve signatures from DC Entertainment or Disney ‘s ( NYSE: DIS ) Marvel. After all, Disney was willing to fork out more than $ 4 billion for Marvel in 2009, Largely thanks to the more than 9,000 distinct characters in its universe, treats including the likes of Spider-Man, Captain America, Iron Man, The Fantastic Four, the X-Men, and the Hulk.

    And DC, for its part, has more than 10,000 characters in its universe, Most Notably Including Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, the Green Lantern, Aquaman, and Catwoman.

    Then again, while Disney and DC are doing just fine capitalizing on Their content by Themselves, I still Maintain That They Could Both benefit by signing a fan-fiction deal with Amazon. Valiant As CFO and head of strategic development Stated Gavin Cuneo in Friday’s release:

    Comics are well Known for their passionate and interactive fan communities, and, through the Kindle Worlds platform, we’re excited to give aspiring authors and fans the opportunity to work Within the Valiant Universe, Make Their stories accessible to a large audience , and earn revenue for Their Work.

    Besides, as I also Mentioned a few weeks ago, thanks to its recent Star Wars video game Deal With Electronic Arts , w ( NASDAQ: EA ) and already know Disney is not new to the licensing game.

    Back to Valiant, though. Even in the massive shadows of its rivals, it’s worth the small company Noting That did win the Diamond Gem Award for Best Comic Book Publisher of the Year in 2012 for companies with Less than 4% of total market share. In Addition, Valiant Boasts a library of more than 1,500 characters and has sold more than 80 million comic books since its founding in 1989.

    For now, though, Valiant’s agreement with Amazon Gives fan-fiction writers the rights to create and sell Their Own works based only on the comic book series Bloodshot , XO Manowar , Archer & Armstrong , Harbinger , and Shadowman , “with more to be added at a later date.” In Addition, it includes Silo Howey’s Saga, Eisler’s John Rain novels, Crouch’s Wayward Pines Series, and the Foreworld Saga.


    In the end, however it, This Should Kindle Worlds writers give plenty to chew on while Amazon works on securing even more content for our literary pleasure.

    But speaking of aspiring writers’ work, Amazon Also Stated That, later this month, the Worlds Kindle Store is finally expected to launch starting with at Least 50 commissioned works.

    At the same time, Also Amazon will release a self-service platform for Kindle Worlds submission, providing an easy way for any writer to submit his or her own completed work. And remember, Amazon is paying a standard royalty rate of 35% of revenue for works of At least 10,000 words, and 20% for shorter stories Between 5,000 and 10,000 words. The rest, of course, will be split Between Amazon and its licensors.

    Foolish takeaway
    In the end, my hat’s off to Amazon for so quickly fulfilling its promise to writers to bring more content to Kindle Worlds.

    Of course, It certainly was not an Entirely selfless pledge. By Extending its already-in-place publishing platform and taking licensing the nitty-gritty details out of the equation for fan-fiction writers, Amazon has intelligently created a fantastic, low-overhead source of new revenue with absolutely massive potential going forward.

    But while everyone knows

    Amazon is the king of the retail world right now, at its sky-high valuation, Most investors are worried it’s the company’s share price That will get knocked down instead of its competitors’. The Motley Fool’s premium report will tell you what’s driving the company’s growth, and fill you in on reasons to buy and reasons to sell Amazon. The report Also has you covered with a full year of free analyst updates to keep you Informed as the company’s story changes, so click here now to read more.

    Friday, June 21, 2013

    Builds Out Amazon Kindle Content for Kids - DailyFinance

    Amazon has added more new content from Disney , Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, and Electronic Arts to Kindle FreeTime its Unlimited service, a kid-friendly buffet it Launched six months ago, featuring content Including books, games, apps, and movies.

    This week, Amazon Announced it had added more than a thousand titles to the service Aimed at kids ages 3-8. Titles include Disney app being added Where’s My Mickey? , Warner Brother’s LEGO Harry Potter Years 1-4 , Dr. Seuss’ The Cat in the Hat Comes Back from Oceanhouse Media, and Plants Vs. Zombies by EA.

    To access the content, people must purchase the Kindle FreeTime Unlimited service. If you’re not an Amazon Prime member, it costs $ 4.99 per child or $ 9.99 per family per month. Those Who Have Purchased Prime can subscribe to FreeTime for $ 2.99 per child or $ 6.99 per family per month.

    It does not look like

    FreeTime will feature the original content, but Amazon Prime has greenlighted a new children series, Sara Solves It , for Prime Instant Video.


    The article

    Builds Out Amazon Kindle Content for Kids originally appeared on

      Fool contributor Kevin Chen has no position in any stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool Recommends, Netflix, and Walt Disney. The Motley Fool owns shares of, Netflix, and Walt Disney. Try any of our Foolish newsletter services free for 30 days. We Fools May not all hold the same opinions, but we all believe That Considering a diverse range of insights makes us better investors. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy.

    Copyright © 1995 – 2013 The Motley Fool, LLC. All rights reserved. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy .


    Thursday, June 20, 2013

    Amazon Adds Comic Book, Sci-Fi Fan Fiction Stories to Kindle Platform - PC Magazine

    Shadowman Kindle Worlds name=”intellitxt”> id=”intellitxt” acerca Have a fanfic storyline Shadowman Aric of Dacia or rattling around in the back of your head? Now’s your chance to get it published.

    name=”intellitxt”> id=”intellitxt” Kindle Amazon’s new publishing platform Worlds fan fiction today opened its doors to a number of characters from the Valiant Entertainment comic book world, as well as from authors Those Hugh Howey ( Silo Saga), Barry Eisler (John Rain novels), Blake Crouch (Wayward Pines series), and Neal Stephenson (the Foreworld Saga).

    With name=”intellitxt”> id=”intellitxt” Those licenses secured, anyone can write and sell fan fiction inspired by the worlds of superheros like Bloodshot, XO Manowar, Archer & Armstrong, Harbinger, and Shadowman, with even more to come.

    id=”intellitxt” name=”intellitxt”> “Kindle Worlds presents an amazing opportunity to bring Valiant’s wide-ranging universe of characters to a new medium, and empower fans and aspiring creators,” Valiant said CFO Gavin Cuneo in a statement.

    id=”intellitxt” name=”intellitxt”> “Comics are well Known for their passionate and interactive fan communities,” I said. “And, through the Kindle Worlds platform, we’re excited to give aspiring authors and fans the opportunity to work Within the Valiant Universe, Make Their stories accessible to a large audience, and earn revenue for Their Work.”

    When name=”intellitxt”> id=”intellitxt” Amazon’s new publishing platform debuted last month, the online retail giant revealed licenses for popular titles from Warner Bros. Television Group’s Alloy Entertainment division, treats including the best-selling book series Gossip Girl by Cecily von Ziegesar, Pretty Little Liars from Sara Shepard, and Vampire Diaries by LJ Smith.

    Writers name=”intellitxt”> can pull inspiration from the new slew of comic book characters and science fiction stories to create Their Own e-books, available for purchase in the Kindle Store.

    id=”intellitxt” name=”intellitxt”> “Good storytelling for me starts with great characters, no matter the format,” Archer & Armstrong author Scott Nicholson said in a statement. “I’m thrilled That Amazon has been pushing the digital frontiers to open up even more sharing of ideas, and building new communities around The most popular characters and stories.”

    name=”intellitxt”> id=”intellitxt”

    Amazon Publishing

    Interested name=”intellitxt”> id=”intellitxt” Kindle Worlds writers can follow on Twitter for updates regularly, and visit the Worlds website to stay up-to-date on submission guidelines and licensed properties.

    id=”intellitxt” name=”intellitxt”> For more, see PCMag’s Kindle Worlds Gives a Home to Fan Fiction.

    Wednesday, June 19, 2013

    You Can not Do That with a Kindle: Library Builds Record-Breaking Domino Chain ... - TIME

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  • to Promote its summer reading program, the Seattle Public Library did what any enterprising library would do: take a bunch of old books, Set them up like dominoes and knock them over.

    acerca And we’re talking a lot of books here: 2,131 in all. “The books used to Make This domino chain Either were donated or are out of date and no longer in the library’s collection,” According to the YouTube description. As a bonus, the library now lays claim to being the world record holder for the longest book domino chain.

    Library Sets Up World’s Longest Maze Book Domino [Geekologie]

    Buy an iPad or Kindle Fire HD, that is the question - Geekets

    In search of perfect tablet, tablet or thinking that we’d have, first of all we should think about the functionality of the pileup and needs we will meet with this tablet.

    Kindle Fire vs. Apple iPad, Amazon vs the apple

    Kindle Fire vs. Apple iPad, Amazon vs the apple

    pioneered by Apple, revolutionizing the market with its acclaimed iPad, but gradually were adding minor competitors to try to balance a little unbalanced balance.

    certainly one that has broken more noticeable has been Amazon, maker asociábamos hitherto mostly electronic books and a while now also has entered the field of electronic tablets. In fact, the Kindle Fire, it’s called the Amazon tablet, already has a very interesting HD version . In other words, while Apple’s iPad is still the preferred choice for millions of consumers around the world, it is also true that the price of its competitors plays a fundamental role to compensate some existing market shares.

    Apple device advantages are almost endless but the Kindle Fire HD not far behind, highlighting its capacity, sound system and, especially, its reasonable price, for even already circulating in the network some discounts to make it even more attractive purchase.

    Amazon , born as an Internet trading company, was gradually adapting to the needs of the public, to the point of having made a privileged space in the e-book industry level overall. Now, in this new technological adventure, also points to considerable success.

    These are just some of the options you can find in the market regarding tablets in popular use, but which is of these two is the best, because as I mentioned earlier, we must first address the use we are going to give and our needs and we will give you the application.

    Monday, June 17, 2013

    17 reasons to buy a Kindle - The Courier

    If you’re thinking about buying a Kindle, and you’re undecided, you should read this:

    1. The view you get tired reading. While other devices like Tablets strain the eyes as much as a computer, a Kindle will read book comosi strong even on paper, the hours you want.

    2. It does not reflect the sun. The e-ink screen, for its technology, to read in bright sunlight without glare. Ideal to take it to the beach this summer!

    3. The battery lasts long. Tired of charging your smartphone or tablet every day? With Kindle you will not have to do it, as it can last up to 2 whole months. Moreover, you need not switch off, standby mode does not consume battery.

    4. Not heavy. The Kindle is extremely light, much more than other readers. Not have to carry more heavy paper books.

    5. You can get up to 1,400 books on your Kindle. does not lack microSD slot if you fit 1400 books right?

    6. Reading nocturnal. Both with its frontlight Paperwhite Kindl e as Kindle 4 with its case with led light night read quietly in bed without disturbing your partner.

    7. The books are cheaper and in addition, you get instantly from, without needing a computer. Off course, you’ll also find free books.

    8. Because you can choose the font size to your liking. If you wear glasses, like changing the font size can avoid wear them to read.

    9. You can read in impossible positions. Without having to hold the shift paper book, not worry about spoiling the leaves to change the page.

    10. The Customer Service is impeccable Amazon. Any problems you may have with the device you will solve it or I will change a new one.

    11. It’s cheap. is the cheapest ereader market and has a higher quality than its competitors.

    12. Do not leave footprints . Even with the Paperwhite that is tactile, there are no fin gerprints on the screen.

    13. You will gain shelf space. This also will relieve if ur doing mnudanza.

    14. You can highlight and annotate. Without spoiling the book.

    15. You will help independent authors. And believe me, find some really good ones.

    16. Not just for books!. You can read the news on your Kindle, comics and manga, etc..

    17. Privacy. No one needs to know what you’re reading: if it is an erotic novel or anything else.

    More reasons class=”c1″>


    D. F.

    Thursday, June 13, 2013

    Amazon launches cheaper Kindle - High Level

    Twitter: @ highlevel

    July 1, 2010 is preparing to launch an improved Kindle electronic reader that will cut the price, in an attempt to address the threat of Apple’s iPad tablet.

    The new Kindle DX will sell for $ 379, down from $ 489 earlier, and has free 3G wireless with no monthly bills or annual contracts, the company said.

    Apple’s iPad, launched in April, can also function as electronic reader.

    Apple device sold over two million units in its first 60 days and its own library has gained market quickly, pressuring rivals readers as Inc’s Kindle and the Nook from Barnes & Noble.

    (Reporting by Sakthi Prasad in Bangalore; translated by Editorial Madrid, edited by Kenneth Barry)

    They deplete Amazon Kindle - High Level

    Twitter: @ highlevel

    August 4, 2010

    Amazon announced its new Kindle, offered for sale since last week, exhausted “due to strong customer demand.” So those who wish to buy an e-book should wait a month.

    “It is expected that orders placed today will be delivered before September 4,” explain on

    This warning applies to both versions of the Kindle, the cheapest, which is connected to the Internet via WiFi and costs $ 139, and the more expensive version with free 3G and WiFi, for a price of $ 189.

    The last time there were no stocks available Kindle was last week, just before the presentation of these new versions of the device, more sophisticated than the previous generation.

    larger version of Kindle, the DX, which Amazon launched a new version last month, however, is still available for $ 379.

    Amazon did not provide sales figures for Kindle and merely describes the device as the best selling item on its website two years after the sale. The Internet giant said before the release of the new versions that growth in sales of its e-book tripled since the price was reduced from 259-189 dollars in June.

    Kindle, whose first generation was launched in 2007, is facing increasing competition, especially from Sony and Barnes & Noble and Apple iPad, which combines capabilities of a reading tool and a mini computer.

    Like Amazon, Apple also has struggled to meet demand for its tablet, whose delivery time is approximately two weeks.

    Wednesday, June 12, 2013

    Kindle Fire HD finally available in Canada - The Province


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    Tuesday, June 11, 2013

    The Future of Kindle Ebook - The Courier


    already been almost a year without any new features to its Kindle Ebook Reader or Kindle eReader. So, is emerging speculation about the Kindle model to come, we believe, later this year.

    In one general aspect, has a future Kindle sales but the number has fallen a lot lately. But Amazon has bet all his energy into this product. Surely with the new model will boost the market.

    Many Kindle users are already talking about:


    • color, ie color-screen Kindle.


    • flexible screen.
    • Kindle with touch

    • better.
    • Kindle with better PDF handling.

    is these characteristics which the kindeleros waiting for the new Kindle.

    expect something guesses.

    However, if someone does not want to wait and want to buy kindle and I think Remanufactured Amazon Kindle are selling at a good price. There look.


  • Monday, June 10, 2013

    How to read Kindle books without a Kindle -

    two years of the launch of Kindle, Amazon’s customers were already buying more eBooks than paper books in a ratio of 114 to 100. These data, together with a model of royalties where the author gets 70%, are making many books are published only in digital format for Kindle.

    There is only one problem: you do not have you Kindle.

    So how can you do to read that book that only exists in digital or other book that does exist on paper but if you comprás in the U.S. will be stuck in the office like a sandal?

    I’ll give the first good news of the week: can read books published for Kindle without a Kindle.

    Amazon Turns

    not so concerned about selling digital book readers like to sell content and for that reason, offers applications that can read Kindle books on PC, Mac, Linux, iPad , Tablet Android, iPhone and Blackberry.

    To read Kindle books on PC you can download it free this application

    To read Kindle books on MAC you can download it free this application

    To read Kindle books on Linux (or in a booth) you can use free Cloud Reader

    To read Kindle books on iPad, you can download it free this application

    To read Kindle books on a tablet or Android phone you can download it free this application

    To read Kindle books on an iPhone or iPod Touch you can download it free this application

    To read Kindle books from a Blackberry you can download it free this application

    src=”” height=”301″/>

    Finally remember

    the best titles in Spanish for Kindle that can be found today on Amazon. As it happens, are all of an author namesake.

    1. Colbert’s Dream (novel)
    2. The Great Monterrey (novel)
    3. Copyright (chronic)

    Kindle Will take off in China? - Christian Science Monitor

    Amazon’s Kindle e-reader is now available in China. But the Chinese Government May not be a fan and, as many Chinese use Their phones to read books, the Kindle Apr face an uphill battle.

    With the launch of its Kindle e-reader in China Friday, Amazon has officially Entered what May Become The most lucrative e-book market in the world. Began selling Amazon Kindle two devices – the Kindle Fire HD and the Kindle Paperwhite – Amazon China on its website as well as through major Chinese electronics retailer Suning. The devices retail for 849 yuan (about $ 138) for the Kindle Paperwhite, 1,499 yuan (about 244 U.S. dollars) for the 16 GB HD Kindle Fire, and 1,799 yuan (293 U.S. dollars) for the 32 GB HD Kindle Fire.

    Skip to next paragraphChina

    contains the world’s largest population of Internet users and Amazon’s Kindle launch there is a major milestone for the online retail giant, que has been working to enter the Chinese market for years, According to Bloomberg Businessweek. Amazon is investing “heavily” in China, Thomas Szkuktak, Amazon’s chief financial officer, Bloomberg Businessweek Told in a January conference call.

    The company released its Kindle e-reading mobile apps and e-book store in China in December and just last month opened its Appstore for devices using Google’s Android mobile operating system. Nonetheless, Amazon May encounter some roadblocks in China. For starters, It’s already been under investigation by the Chinese government to determine Whether it violated Regulations by selling digital publications.

    Surprisingly, Amazon Has not yet built up significant market share in China and faces stiff competition from locally competidores like Alibaba Group Holdings. And while many Chinese digital read books, THEY outstretch to do so online or one Their phones, rarely on e-readers or tablets, According to Forrester Research analysis, something Amazon is struggling to change. Finally, e-book piracy is common in China, que Patriarchal by Amazon is pricing its e-books very low – 10 yuan ($ 1.63) Compared to $ 10 or more in the U.S..

    Getting a foothold in the Chinese market will be Amazon s most Difficult Among challenges – albeit One That comes with very lucrative rewards.

    Amazon Kindle Wants to Light a Fire in China - Bloomberg

    data-type=”ImageAttachment” data-decoration-id=”334044″

    Chinese customers shop for an Amazon Kindle at a mobile device market in Shanghai, China. Photograph: Imaginechina via AP Images

    With the long-overdue release of the Kindle in China last week, will soon find out Whether its line of e-readers and tablets can Provide the Spark That the company needs to reach the world’s largest population of Internet users .

    The Kindle’s arrival is no small milestone for Amazon, judging by the splash the company made on its Chinese website. The homepage was updated with a towering Paperwhite graphic advertising the Kindle e-reader and Kindle Fire tablet HD, as well as accessories and applications available.

    big push in China by the Seattle-based online-retail giant has been in the works for some time. Amazon released the Kindle e-reading mobile apps and e-book store there in December. Last month, Amazon opened its Appstore for devices running Google’s Android mobile operating system. (The Kindle Fire uses a version of Android.) Amazon is investing “heavily” in China, Thomas Szkutak, the company’s chief financial officer, said on a Jan. 29 conference call.

    Jeff Bezos, Amazon’s founder and chief executive officer, saw China’s potential years ago. The company started factoring the country into its public statistics in fiscal 2010. The change Helped bump Amazon’s number of active customers worldwide up to 114 million from 105 million in a single quarter.

    Today, Amazon’s Chinese business is still a mom-and-pop shop Compared with the competition there. Bloomberg News Reported That Amazon has spent more than eight years and $ 74 million on an acquisition without finding success in China’s e-commerce market. Even a company valued at $ 126 billion can not mess with Jack Ma’s Alibaba Group Holding homegrown powerhouse, que owns Taobao Marketplace and Tmall.

    After finally overcoming

    regulatory roadblocks, the Kindle May not be enough. When Amazon went into the U.S. e-reader market in 2007, many people did not know what an e-book was. But the digital-reading revolution Already have arrived in China, where e-book piracy is rampant. To compete, Amazon is pricing most of it its electronic books at less than 10 yuan ($ 1.63) versus $ 10 or more in the U.S.

    The Chinese faq frequently read books online or on Their phones, but relatively few do so on an e-reader or tablet, Michael O’Grady, an analyst at Forrester Research, wrote in a report Earlier This Year. That’s not Because there are not e-readers available. Beijing-based Hanvon Technology has controlled more than half the market With its low-priced readers.

    Amazon, a brand Known for bargains in places it most of it the opera en, finds itself in a more premium position With its Kindle products in China. The Paperwhite costs 849 yuan. E-Commerce China Dangdang, one of Amazon’s Chinese competidores, Began selling its own e-reader there a year ago. The price: 599 yuan. This is what Bezos is up against.

    More Chinese pay for eBooks arrival of Kindle - People's Daily Online

    Spanish >> Science-Technology

    UPDATED 09/06/2013 – 8:37

    BEIJING, June 8 (Xinhua) – More and more Chinese begin to pay for e-books with the official arrival of China’s Kindle digital reader Amazon U.S. firm, stressed Saturday industry experts editorial country.


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    BEIJING, June 8 (Xinhua) – More and more Chinese begin to pay for e-books with the official arrival of China’s Kindle digital reader Amazon U.S. firm, experts stressed Saturday country’s publishing industry.

    Huang Lei, a senior manager of the Chinese subsidiary of, said the Kindle Fire and Kindle Paperwhite HD officially launched Friday in China. Although many netizens have appreciated the arrival of both, others have complained of their prices, which are higher than in other countries.

    Yu Dianli, President of the Commercial Printing, a major Chinese publishers , said the Kindle product range will give more options to Chinese readers.

    “Although most domestic readers have not yet used to read eBooks payment, increasing demand and the direction of relevant policies and regulations will help to encourage the habit, “said Yu.

    Earlier this month, the Commercial Printing minority language dictionaries published in digital and paper format to meet the needs of different readers.

    According to a 2012 survey conducted among 18,619 people in 28 provincial-level regions, the Chinese read each an average of 4.39 books, newspapers 77.20, 6.56 magazines and 2.35 e-books, with the last paragraph recording the highest growth, 65.5 percent.

    The survey, conducted by the Academy of Press and Publication of China, also shows that 40 , 1 percent of respondents who have tried e-books above are willing to pay for these, 1.7 percent less than the previous year.

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