Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Amazon will accept applications with HTML5 in its Kindle Fire - ComputerHoy

Amazon just confirmed it will begin accepting applications using HTML5 and mobile websites. These two developments, as has been said company officials will be available in its app store.

Since in October last year knew the arrival of this e-reader to Spain, have closely followed the advances that have taken place and the innovations that have slowly been introducing Amazon makers on this device.

This is a step forward, since HTML5 support means that developers have an even wider range of possibilities at the time of creating new services and applications and improve the quality and benefits of this ebook from Amazon.

American company have also confirmed that there will be tools to debug and monetize HTML5 applications . These tools include a web application tester, which will test the applications, or purchases ‘In-App’ API for JavaScript.


introduction of the e-reader from Amazon is a comprehensive improvement has been introduced and now that these applications may work better with the Kindle Fire , as it is based on the project “Crhomium” (chrome).

Moreover, the new Kindle Fire software facilitate application to the publishers the option to make available to the public their creations and innovations.

addition to these data, also been leaked as will the process of creating these applications until you reach the sale through the app store, no doubt, a more than interesting.

html5 creation process amazon kindle fire

Thus more users may now consider the possibility of buying this device , even more when since last March has been a considerable reduction in the price of the terminal.

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