Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Bezos Kindle uses Amazon to push the Washington Post – Management Journal

Jeff Bezos, founder and CEO of Amazon, wants to transform the Washington Post in a national publication, and to achieve this objective will use his other company Amazon.com.

(Bloomberg) In recent months, a group within the Post has been working on a new application that will provide a revised selection of news and photos on a daily diary magazine-style format and a tablet.

The application will come pre-installed on one of the Amazon Kindle Fire tablets, recently updated, which is scheduled to debut this fall with a larger 8.9-inch screen, according to people familiar with the plans of the Post who asked not to be named because the details are not public knowledge.

The application will be free for owners of the Kindle’s largest, at least at first. Later, will be available for download on other Kindle as well as for owners of Apple’s iPad and various Android devices, and will have a monthly subscription.

A spokeswoman person Post refused to do statements.

In the Post, the initiative has been called Project Rainbow (Rainbow Project) and is headed by Kerry Lauerman, former managing editor of Salon.com. Lauerman joined the newspaper as a senior editor in July to work on a “big-centric readership growth in mobile initiative,” Post said in a statement announcing the hiring. Lauerman depends Cory Haik, executive producer of the Post in the area of ​​digital news.

Project Rainbow
A person familiar with Project Rainbow, described it as an experiment and part of a broader initiative to find ways to extend the reach of the Post. It is the first sign that Bezos will create links between the newspaper and the e-commerce giant that created 20 years ago.

Since Bezos bought the newspaper last year, media observers are wondering how you go resurrect a franchise with many problems of old media, such as advertising on floor in print and readers who increasingly seek information online and on mobile devices.

The paper introduced a new program through smaller publications which can give your readers access to online payments Post website. In September, meanwhile, Bezos fired the director of the Post for many years, Katharine Weymouth, and replaced by Frederick J. Ryan Jr., former aide to President Ronald Reagan.

Bezos has accelerated . recruitment in the newspaper, bringing 100 new journalists while reduced pensions and other retirement benefits for current employees

David Carr, media columnist for The New York Times wrote: “The newspaper above difficulties is doing very well producing the kind of news coverage by journalists live-and readers. “

The Amazon Kindle Fire tablet and its new Fire Phone does not have the popularity of tablets and phones from Apple’s rivals, Samsung Electronics and others. Amazon has, however, a singular fact that the content produced editorially, and the books published by Amazon bet, TV programs produced by Amazon, and now perhaps those published by the Washington Post news, can attract more users.


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