Monday, October 27, 2014

Scout Kindle now available, Amazon’s service to vote on which books … – wwwhat’s new?

A few days ago, Amazon made known Scout your new Kindle service, which would allow readers should vote what books should be published by the e-commerce giant. Now, a few days after being announced, Kindle Scout has started work


Thanks to Kindle Scout (which for now is only available in the US), readers will read a fragment of the books whose authors participate in the program and if one is to your liking and manages to attract attention, will vote for him to be released by the Amazon . For now, we can see that books from different categories, among which are romance, science fiction, mystery and thriller, among others are included. Since I will be 30 days during which residents of the United States can read the books in the Kindle participating Scout program and decide which will get your vote. Additionally, once finished the voting period and there is a winner, Amazon will give away the voters of the winning book a copy as a thank both of you as the author.

No doubt this is an excellent measure, thanks to the huge audience of Amazon, will be a boost in the career of many perpetrators, as well as rewarding the best content.


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