Saturday, November 30, 2013

Kindle Fire HDX: thorough testing, evaluation and conclusions - Tablet Zone

Even before testing the product, we felt that Amazon this year had done a great job, and our expectations have been fully confirmed. For nearly a week we have been testing the Kindle Fire HDX to extract the most out of the machine, and we are fully satisfied with the results . We will relate our experience with this great tablet.

Amazon is not saved anything this year. While other firms have opted for something more limited processors, the online bookstore puts all the eggs in one basket featuring single compact tablet market to date, with Snapdragon 800 . Perhaps, today, in the performance of the games do not make a big difference with the Snapdragon S4 Pro or 600, but users know they have a device for long .

closed ecosystem

Let’s start with the part that can least like regular users of tablets or phones : The device supports virtually no customization . It is not new, the interface is based on typical carousel and Amazon.

In this regard, we see positive points and negative points. The Kindle Fire HDX is a tablet easier to use than any other Android device if you have never had contact with the ecosystem or the aesthetic component gives us completely equal. However, if we like widgets , or try different launchers , icons or wallpaper, the experience offered by this tablet is not appropriate.

With applications and content, the catalog is limited (although the most important things are), if we set aside the books . Obviously, we can have almost anything which has been scheduled for the Android tablet, but sometimes we look for life if we get it.

Perhaps the best hardware that has passed our table

dir=”ltr”> The display and sound of the device are amazing . Rayan perfection. The screen has a color scale and brutal brightness, and viewing angles seamless. Dolby Digital Sound is, in our view, better than any other tablet 7 or 10 inches we’ve tested.

Kindle Fire Tablet HDX thorough test zone

The performance is also exceptional. In Quadrant benchmarks got over 19,000 points . I mean, that is the height of the most powerful smartphones market.

The tablet design we like. It is one of the few devices that depart from the conventional , introducing a line that also seek to make the most multimedia features (location of speakers is an example). On the other hand, we have not been able to test the tablet with one of the cases origami , but also look very nice and certainly enhance these functions.

We invite you to read our in-depth analysis of the Kindle Fire HDX .

can also check out the section where we hang all product testing .

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