Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Paperwhite Kindle the best ebook reader - Current PC

book, that element that has become the source of wisdom and a symbol of culture. It seems clear that the concept of the book is not going away ever, but it is clear that the format of it has changed already. Devices like the Amazon Kindle Paperwhite contribute to the future of literature is the digital world.

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We’ve been testing the Kindle Paperwhite, and the conclusions are clear, is the next stage in the world of reading, if I may say the adepts still paper. And, although there are still many who defend the paper book as the best format to read, the truth is beginning to have major shortcomings. Comfort to read, many books, easy to buy and purchase books, that’s all Kindle Paperwhite.

And, as much as you say, the main feature of these eBook readers is the simplicity with which we can read books. The special Paperwhite Kindle screen is outstanding. As is well known to all, it is an e-ink screen, which has consequences. One is that this type of display does not strain the eyes as backlit displays. And it is the same even when we turn on the screen of the Kindle, as the special lighting system is not to aim the light directly into the eyes, it simply illuminates the back of the tablet, so that we can continue reading the letters Screen. We can regulate the light level depending on what you want at all times. This allows a range of options that do not even tablets. Not only can we read in the dark but can also be under direct sunlight, that the sharpness of the letters will remain high. Not even the color of the screen is completely white if we have the backlight enabled, which transmits an extremely comfortable when reading.

other hand, it is a six-inch screen, is the size makes perfect though not all, are perfectly portable, but can be read without difficulty. Moreover, as e-book file, you can change the font size without any problem as well as the margins on each side, so that the book can be customized to have the preferred format in each case.


The store is perfect

And all without forgetting the Kindle book store. Without a doubt, this is the best shop selling electronic books that currently exists in Spain, and that there are some very level independentes. Amazon brings together a very large catalog with really good prices and above all, very easy to download. Perhaps the biggest problem is that the catalog could be even larger. There are still publishers and authors who have decided not to go for the ebook, and this is happening mainly in Spain, where it seems that the cultural level is to make a few dozen years.

regard to the storage of books, we are talking of useless data. Useless because most likely will not reach the maximum capacity of the Kindle. And if that is so, there is no problem, because both the download and the purchase of new books are really simple.

can also send books to Kindle Paperwhite through an email address assigned to us by Amazon, so that to send the file by email, and is discharged into the e-book reader.

Two drawbacks

‘ve only been able to find two drawbacks to this Paperwhite Kindle. The first has to do with the format of electronic books. It is noted that this is a company dedicated to selling ebooks, it does not allow reading of files in. Epub, which is the most common format ebooks that exists at this time. A priori, it can be a problem, as it makes most users always opt for buying books from Amazon, in. Mobi. There is always the option to convert the. Epub to. Mobi, something that even is simple, and programs that send the same book at the Kindle after having become. However, since the system assumes an additional program, the use of a computer, and at least the management of the program, which complicates the process already. Possible is, but those who do not want to complicate directly choose to use only files. Mobi.

Second, do not be surprised that headphone jack. Not that the Kindle Paperwhite is for music, but it is true that many readers have already realized that they prefer to read books while listening to music. Sometimes just to hear songs composed while reading. In any case, the absence of odd headphone jack, which, moreover, can find some justification. The ability to play music significantly reduce Paperwhite Kindle autonomy, which can now easily be about one month on a single charge. Since we have only been loaded once, for instance, which differs greatly from the energy consumption of a tablet, that if we use it to read, not unlikely that we would have to charge it every one or two days.


Now those who still do not trust much in e-book readers, will still wonder what the real difference between a Kindle Paperwhite and a regular book. Actually, there are several differences, some of which have already been mentioned. For one, the illuminated display to read in the dark or in low light. This can be useful in many cases, from when they want to have a light on still night, even when there is not enough light in the room to read comfortably. Raising the level of brightness of the screen will get it much more comfortable to read without having to strain your eyes. On the other hand, being able to adjust the size of the letters, we will not have to worry about eyestrain, we just have to increase the font size for easier reading. We may be changing in order to read for longer.

But not only is a matter of form, but also some important additions. For example, we can search selected a series of words. We can find the meaning in the built-in dictionary to translate that portion of text, or search Wikipedia for additional information. And all without forgetting the Time to Read, which is based on the reading time for each of us. Stores data on how to read, how fast, and it does pass through the page. Based on that, it tells us how long it will take to read the next chapter. So we know if we are going to finish on time, or if it is better to read that chapter other day.

By the way, is able to store more than 1,100 books. Maybe some of you have in your library for a higher amount. If not, in a single Kindle can take them all. If you have more than 1,100 books, the chances are that you already had a Kindle for a long time.


regard to price, we find two options. The Kindle Paperwhite is available in a version that costs 129 euros and has WiFi connectivity only, and another version of 189 euros which has 3G connectivity.

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