Friday, October 25, 2013

(1) "If you have a Kindle purchases up to four times more books" - Half-Tics


celebrated for two days I eBook , because of the growing importance of digital media is becoming the literary consumption.

The opening ceremony was conducted by Ezekiel Szafir, former CEO of Grupo Cortefiel and current vice president of Kindle Content Europe. The manager is fully aware that the new landscape that opens the book industry with the advent of e-books can generate debates and anxieties, but do not be swayed by the lamentations, but take action and see how use these new tools to their advantage.

“The Chinese, when they talk of crisis, refer to danger and opportunity. I predict that we will read in electronic and paper, and of course continue to buy online, but with changes, “he says.


always been known for being a pioneer in the digital world, noting among his greatest achievements the launch of the first e-book reader, the Kindle. Six years later, this device is still the biggest seller, thanks to its low price and have a vast catalog that reaches 75,000 Spanish titles.


notes that were the users who started suing digital reading, Amazon just responded to your request. At this time, already being sold almost double digital books physical book. And the trend is increasing, especially in England, which is almost on par with the United States in sales a year and a half less time.

Regarding Kindle

, his vice president in Europe noted that from 2008 to 2012 has increased from 2.7 to 4 the proportion of books that have been purchased online. “If you have a Kindle, buy more books,” he said, according to the data. Although it has lost the bookcase as a guru figure or literary guide, the digital market has enabled greater access to all types of securities and the act of reading has become much more practical. At present, the percentage of top authors with at least one title on Kindle is 98% in the U.S., 95% in the UK and 85% in Germany.

Therefore, the editors must be able to react as quickly as possible to adapt to this new reality will come to understand after a necessary period of learning. One of the great opportunities for the sector will cross the threshold between industry and entertainment reading, but the main thing is to digital as soon as possible to avoid jumping people continue consuming content illegally.

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