Monday, September 9, 2013

Will Amazon release a Kindle Phone? And also free? - The Android Free

Kindle_Phone Amazon wants to be bigger in the world of mobile device hardware, wants to be Apple, Samsung or Sony. It is well known and Kindle tablets and readers have a good piece of cake in their respective segments, no doubt … But your phone is missing, the case Kindle Phone , which has been producing rumors for over a year without any news we get what will happen to him … But now rumors suggest something bigger, the phone is coming and Amazon wants it … free!

The rumor comes from people who know Amazon movements and in their work environment and have access to reports that seem to indicate that they want their phone to be free and they’d be talking to operators of half the world.

What do you mean “free”?

All we will ask this question if they start rumors confirmed, mainly because we know that nobody gives tough to 4 pesetas. What is certain is that free does not refer to what we once had in Spain, that is, free phones for a two-year contract with rate X. No, it means that be free, lame or not lame a fee . Theoretically that’s the claim of Amazon.

But what is the catch? Because he must be, right? Well here’s the thing splits, do not know if there would be Amazon Prime (with subsequent monthly fee) or not. We’ll see how is the thing.

What would this mean for the market?

boom A real madness. The Nexus 4 was a change, by being able to market high-end terminal (without top) to less than half (300 €) the standard market price (€ 700). Did that change the market? No. Why? Because half is not free, that’s another story.


Google (the Nexus and now Motorola) as Amazon (all Kindle devices) have a clear strategy for their devices: if they lower the price, despite unless original part of the market (not per se manufacturers) will have significant market shares, which in turn, will report their earnings in its true ground. Sacrificing the profit margin (partially) after getting a new entry form attacking a segment customers who are not willing to continue to pay high-end prices.

If they generalize the consumption of this type of smartphones, and what better way than with a free phone, the major manufacturers will begin to reconsider the top-end price, because the problem is no longer on mobile low- average range, of which there is already sufficient supply (which has forced Apple to make the vaunted low-cost?? iPhone 5C), but also, and as I say, on the high end, you can not support the price difference.

Is this true?

Its_free I honestly do not think . “Eat you” € 200 (half the cost of a high-end) for each of the phones you sell, it seems untenable, even for Amazon, even for Google. No doubt they would have a market share bestial, because almost everyone would have one (total, if it’s free …), but to derive those buyers to your real business can not justify € 200 loss per unit .

Also, look at the model who remained on Kindle Fire . What they did was put a tablet in 200 € less than the iPad, and it worked, not that it is the most Vendidad tablet, but is in the top 5, and especially for the price. I think this is what they will do, risking a little more. I find it much more believable that have margin 0 and selling it at 200 €, which is a great price if the phone’s worth, I say it will, considering that are two years’ manufacturing it. “

mobile phone regardless of who associate at a rate is directly opposite to what matters to the operators (except for MVNOs and can not afford to buy loads of phones), so if you are talking to them, I doubt that it will be free, but very cheap. If not directly the “sell” in your online store and ready, I think we agree that visibility are to spare.

But time will tell, and hopefully soon. For better (consumer) or worse (manufacturers) will be nice to see an event game changer like this in the market for mobile device manufacturers. Let’s see …

Via | Talk Android | Jessica Lessin

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