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Kindle, Amazon’s ebook is gradually winning the hearts of readers

Kindle, Amazon's ebook Kindle, Amazon ebook

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Hector Casado

am passionate about books, and not just what they tell us, and also as objects fascinate me, I enjoy a good edition, with the smell and even the feel of the pages. However, although it seems a contradiction, do not read them. Specifically since I got ebook , the “ ebook Amazon also known as Kindle .

From a rational point of view, the emotional perspective is subjective, electronic reading devices, the ebook, is superior to the traditional role. Paper is inefficient to store and transmit information support: weight, can not be reused, environmentally friendly and takes up much volume


evolution of electronic soon allowed to develop substitutes for paper books and between them and before the famous iPad, e-books . These devices have evolved to the present based on two different display technologies: electronic ink (the so-called ebook) or LCD screens active (emitting light and correspond to the tablets).

massive releases first ebook from the year 2007, then pushed by Amazon. Other companies like Sony and Samsung then launched similar products but not with the enthusiasm and the success of the first. Amazon has about 50% world share ebooks.

2010 Apple launched its iPad. A device that not only offers the ability to read books to do many other things. And here the difficulties begin, what product is right for me, an ebook or tablet . The answer depends largely on your needs and your listing, although there are two alternatives with clear answers: If you only want to read books or if you need it for many other things (emails, browsing, watching movies, …)

In the first case the answer is simple: buy an ebook. The second is even more easy, it only serves the tablet. But there is a question and if I buy the tablet (the famous iPad for example) do I need a ebook?. The answer, again, depends on your reader profile.

me explain. Electronic books, specifically, and almost exclusively, designed for reading books. They are based on the aforementioned electronic ink technology whose main characteristics are hardly easy on the eyes, can be used outdoors because it has no reflections, consumes little battery and requires a hardware cheap and lightweight (220 gr 700gr compared to almost a 310 iPad or a mini iPad ).

In other words

devours books and if you need a tablet, surely worthwhile also have an ebook. You can read abroad, weighs little: you can use comfortably in bed, not heated, just easy on the eyes and is substantially cheaper than a tablet (about 100 euros compared to over 400 tablets) <. / p>

And if you finally decided to buy an ebook, what to buy?. The offer is immense with the market divided by the product of Amazon and the rest. I’ll try to help them understand the differences between them.

Amazon has a line of electronic devices called Kindle. Under this brand sells LCD devices (tablets are comparable to an iPad) known as Kindle Fire and devices with e-ink screen simply called Kindle and Kindle Paperwhite . We is the latter to which we refer as ebooks.


eBooks from Amazon, Samsung and Sony are similar in quality finishes and configurations, with the main difference in filing Amazon uses a closed ecosystem . I mean all books have to be bought in their store because only read its own format of the company, while the rest used open formats, usually “ Mobi .”:. “ EPub “and share many content providers. The other difference is the price, Kindle is cheaper than the homologous products of the premium brands. Although you can find cheaper clones that Kindle. Starting from 60 euros, but in these finishes and quality are not feeling up to


Amazon ecosystem, this poses no difficulty. Amazon has a huge catalog of books in Spanish (and almost infinite in English) and at very competitive prices. With other devices you can buy at many different stores but in my experience I have never missed a product on Amazon that I was in another store. On the other hand, always buying the same site offers an advantage to have everything stored under one account: purchase history, interests, recommendations, … Also the kindle books you purchase from Amazon are stored in the Amazon cloud automatically by so you never lose them and can access them from any Kindle device.

summary. If you read a lot, or do not have a tablet, an e-book can be a great gift and made choosing one, Kindle, from 79 euros, it’s a great choice.

    class=”sugerencias”> Blog, Fair Valiente: Amazon launches the Kindle Fire 7 under 100 dollars


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Héctor Casado

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