Friday, May 31, 2013

The Kindle arrives in China - Trends 21

most popular digital reader, the Amazon Kindle, finally hit the Chinese market in June after years of waiting, sources close to the industry cited by the Chinese press.


The Kindle arrives in China appears first in ERA future.

Most chain

selling electronics, Suning, confirmed that sales of the Kindle will start next month, while Sina technology section, the most popular news portal, spun finer and said the date Release will be on June 7.

According to experts, only available in Chinese version of the reader wifi, no 3G, at a price to be around 850 yuan or $ 140 (for the model Paperwhite) and 1,500 yuan ($ 240) for Kindle Fire.


has not yet released details on the launch, which actually prepares for months, since last November and announced that his readers could display characters in Mandarin and in December launched a section for popular Chinese website selling books. EFEfuturo


The Kindle arrives in China appears first in ERA future.

Source: …

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